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Please feel free to edit the conversation with answers and solutions. Simply click Edit at the top right of the page and enter teacher as the password. You can insert text, in much the same way that you would with a word processor. However it is a very primitive word processor. You will see, at the bottom of the page, techniques for formatting your messages.

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Main.6-14-2011OhioETechARRAGrantRecipients History

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June 21, 2011, at 11:43 AM EST by -
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Here is the transcript of your backchannel conversation for . This is a wiki page. As such, you can edit this page and insert text into the transcript, contining the conversation, as I have done. To edit, click the EDIT link at the top of the page. The password is teacher.

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You can indent your comments by inserting --> at the beginning text. Many HTML codes can also be inserted. Other formatting features can also be found at the bottom of the edit page.

Changed lines 5-212 from:
June 21, 2011, at 11:35 AM EST by -
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Added lines 44-45:
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KathyPerret - 21 Jun 2011 - 6:30:32
KathyPerret - 21 Jun 2011 - 6:30:32
June 21, 2011, at 09:53 AM EST by -
Changed line 1 from:

Here is the transcript of your backchannel conversation for . This is a wiki page. As such, you can edit this page and insert text into the transcript, contining the conversation, as I have done. To edit, click the EDIT link at the top of the page. The password is teacher.

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You can indent your comments by inserting --> at the beginning text. Many HTML codes can also be inserted. Other formatting features can also be found at the bottom of the edit page.

Changed lines 5-393 from:
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This is as far as I've read to this point... - dfw
Added lines 215-218:
Don't get me started on this. It is an enormous travesty that the telcos have committed on us. We are supposed to have real broadband Internet every in the U.S. right now. The Telcos agreed to provide it in return for tax breaks. But they didn't do it, and the federal government didn't hold them to it. On top of that, they prevent local municipality from setting up their own. In my state, the newly elected legislature, at the urging of AT&T and Time Warner, passed a law that says that towns can not run their on information utility.
Sorry! I told you not to get me started. - dfw
Added lines 246-247:
You are right. But I would rephrase just a bit. I think that we need to have conversations about tech courtesy, and our students need to be a part of that conversation. - dfw
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''In my state, I think they're perfectly happy with continuing to prepare children for the 1950s :-/' - dfw
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Yes! Another travesty. But someone in one of the breakouts commented about "good" students who were good a playing the schooling game, resisted the technology. They don't want to think creatively. - dfw
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Billy Pilgrim saw into the future, didn't he? Are we talking about the same Billy Pilgrim? - dfw
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It is the default avatar if you are not using Gravatar to get your own image. My avatar should be showing up here. - dfw
Added lines 343-344:
Thanks! There are a lot of ways to do that and I use to be able to tell you why I prefer Intuem. I've also found a good too for iPad that does the same thing. It's called MusicStudio. - dfw
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You can find it here: - dfw
Added lines 365-366:
I hope it was because I was becoming ever more exciting. - dfw
Added lines 382-383:
Yep, that's a big problem... - dfw
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Took me about 30 minutes in all to read through and comment. - dfw
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Thanks for making this point! - dfw
Added lines 28-29:
- dfw
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You're all utilizing the same web site, and all of your messages are being recorded on the same database. You are accessing via wireless... - dfw
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I think it's important to understand that students will try to abuse this as first. It's what they do. So you'll have to work help learners understand that this is an education context. Making the transcript public (to parents) would help. - dfw
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Oh! Gorsh! - dfw
Added lines 69-76:
Knitterchat is a person experiment and in constant beta. I recommend the following free tools for your consideration:

* Backnoise -- * Backchan -- * Chatzy -- * Today's Meet -- (my favorite)- dfw - dfw

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There are a number of classes that are doing projects in OpenSim, an environment that is similar to Second Life (18yr & older), and as long as the students are building something that will be used, then the work becomes the distractions. - dfw
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Again, this will happen. If they are contributing to a future document by contributing to this conversation, then they may take it more seriously... - dfw
Added lines 120-121:
Again, there are alternative listed above. - dfw
Added lines 146-147:
Of course, multitasking is impossible. What they do is shift-task, and they're good at that. But engaging in backchanneling (which is what this is called) will decrease the amount of attention that they are paying what's happening in the open. The question is will the value added by backchanneling out weight the lose of attention? - dfw
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It's important to consider that this is not something you'd do every day. It's just when backchanneling adds value to the learning experience. - dfw
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This will change... - dfw
Added lines 211-214:
This is as far as I've read to this point... - dfw
Added lines 1-339:
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Page last modified on June 21, 2011, at 11:43 AM EST