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Please feel free to edit the conversation with answers and solutions. Simply click Edit at the top right of the page and enter teacher as the password. You can insert text, in much the same way that you would with a word processor. However it is a very primitive word processor. You will see, at the bottom of the page, techniques for formatting your messages.

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Main.AGreatAdventure History

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Added lines 4-78:
-><span style="color: #900;">Reading now, on flight back home from Texas. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 19-20:
-><span style="color: #900;">Thrilled to be here. You know you're in East Texas when you get out of the car and your glasses automatically fog up and you have not problem finding a good meal of seafood . </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 29-30:
-><span style="color: #900;">One of the best things about this is that of evaluating myself. I learn from what you guys focus on in the chat, what I'm getting right and what I'm explaining wrongly. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 43-44:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea! But it's a grade I don't think I could teach. There something about little 3 foot tikes hugging me around the knee caps -- I just don't think I could go there ;-) </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 49-50:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes! And we so need people who love the tech, who live the "light." However, I'm one of those who loves what you can shine that light on. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 59-60:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yep! However, in another presentation I make a point for increasing focus on art, music, drama, heritage, etc. and for the very same reason. When my wife and I bought an HDTV the other day, we weren't concerned about the tech of it. We were shopping for a better picture, better sound, etc. We were shopping for a better experience with what the creative arts people contribute. We shop creative arts much more than the technical arts. It's economy. Dan Pink and Richard Florida both express the very well.</span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 65-70:
-><span style="color: #900;">Knitterchat is a personal experiment and in constant beta. So it is not publicly available. However, I recommend the following free tools for your consideration:
** <span style="color: #900;">Backnoise -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Backchan -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Chatzy -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Today's Meet -- (my favorite) </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 79-80:
-><span style="color: #900;">It is an intensely exciting and wondrous world that we live in. Learning about it should be just as exciting. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 85-86:
-><span style="color: #900;">Thanks for your comment. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 91-92:
-><span style="color: #900;">Hmmm! I'd actually not thought of this as something that would work in meetings. I don't do meetings that much since leaving the NC State Department of Public Instruction. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 101-102:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea, but college is going to be interesting to watch. It's going to change. So much is going online, and not just because it's cool, but because it can be done more cheaply. College costs too much, considering how much money most people make from the jobs they're prepared for, after graduation. College is going to change, and I'm a little lamentful about that. I'm a romantic at heart when it comes to education. Can you believe it? </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 111-112:
-><span style="color: #900;">The future they're going to choose. The future they are going to invent. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 117-118:
-><span style="color: #900;">I think that this is a huge distinction that many educators do not realize. A classroom that is information abundant is very different from a classroom that is information scarce. It's a wholly different approach to teaching and learning, especially when that information is less packaged. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 123-124:
-><span style="color: #900;">And so much more. It's so much more than just programming. It's learning math by using numbers buy working numbers. The assessment is not just, "you got that right (&#8730;)!" or "You got that wrong (X)!" The assessment message is, "'''[+That Worked!+]'''" or "'''[+That Didn't Work!+]'''" No matter what the response, you've learned something new. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 129-130:
-><span style="color: #900;">This idea of students learning by learning to program is huge right now, and there are many more now in addition to Scratch. Interestingly, this was one of the earliest applications of computers in education, teaching children thinking skills by helping them learn to program. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 135-136:
-><span style="color: #900;">They're out of Australia. Very robust, but wonderful tech support, both in Australia and here in the states. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 149-150:
-><span style="color: #900;">Again, no '''&#8730;''' or '''X'''. It's, "'''[+It worked!]+'''" or "'''[+It didn't work!+]'''" </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 159-166:
-><span style="color: #900;">They move on by questioning themselves on the other side. Questioning drives their learning. There are actually size qualities that I usually write about, and one is that their experience is "'''powered by questions!'''" They are that the experience is...</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Responsive</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Provokes Conversation</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Is powered by Questioning</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Builds Identity</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Inspires Personal Investment</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Is Guided by Safely Made Mistakes</span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 171-172:
-><span style="color: #900;">Start small. Leave stuff out. Start with a problem, not an assignment. Why do we put word problems at the end of a math unit. Shouldn't the word problem come first, and students question themselves into the math. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 177-178:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes, but student initiated inquiry. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 183-184:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes, and what a fantastic question, "'''[+What do you think?+]'''" </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 189-190:
-><span style="color: #900;">It's part of the conversation we were talking about after the presentation. The best professional development is the casual conversations that teachers have among themselves everyday. The district/schools need to facilitate those conversations, and much of can take place via the networks, Edmodo/Twitter, etc. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 195-196:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea! Just think about the effects of asking 6th graders editing the writings of 4th graders, and then sent back to the 4th graders. Think of the effects of asking 8th graders to develop learning resources for 6th graders. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 205-206:
-><span style="color: #900;">That would be a great way to do it. It's what's wonderful about blogs, that you can do almost anything with them. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 211-214:
-><span style="color: #900;">Hmmm! Might be interesting to have just one blog and invite any teacher can write to it. You can set up categories for the blogs so that only 1st grade blogs could be viewed, or only Social Studies articles. So much you could do with this. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>

-><span style="color: #900;"> Another tool you might consider is Diigo. It's a social bookmarking tool. You can bookmark web sites with a comment as to how it might be useful. Sites can be tagged by subject area or even standards objectives. Any teacher could contribute to it and all teachers could access it. It could probably actually be intergraded into the blog, depending on the blogging platform you use. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 219-220:
-><span style="color: #900;">This reminds me of a recent NPR article talking about the difference between education in the U.S. and in Asia. Here, if we see students struggling with something, it's seen as a problem. Something's wrong. However, in Asia, students struggling is a good think. It means that they're working on their learning. It's the difference between working to make it easy to learn and working to make the learning hard. We value what we pay a higher price for. Of course high-stakes testing makes that difficult. We need to kill high-stakes testing. It's government conspiracy to kill public education. ''Did I say that out loud?'' </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 225-226:
-><span style="color: #900;">We also need to give ourselves permission to get it wrong sometimes. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 235-236:
-><span style="color: #900;">Learning can be playful. Another big thing in ed tech is gamification, and not just in education. I'm afraid that we aren't really getting it right yet. Most of it is about badges, which is just a different way of giving grades. It goes much deeper than that, game mechanics. I know of a school in New York that actually hired two game designers to help students plan their units and projects. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 241-242:
-><span style="color: #900;">Would be so easy to do, and you could do it with just one blog. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 247-248:
-><span style="color: #900;">..and it's such an authentic way of learning. It's playful and empowering. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 252-253:

-><span style="color: #900;">Such a powerful thing to say to students. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Changed lines 1-3 from:
Here is the transcript of your backchannel conversation for . This is a wiki page. As such, you can edit this page and insert text into the transcript, contining the conversation, as I have done. To edit, click the EDIT link at the top of the page. The password is ''teacher''.

You can indent your comments by inserting '''-->''' at the beginning text. Many HTML codes can also be inserted. Other formatting features can also be found at the bottom of the edit page.
Here is the transcript of your backchannel conversation for . This is a wiki page. As such, you can edit this page and insert text into the transcript, contining the conversation, as I have done. To edit, click the EDIT link at the top of the page. The password is ''teacher''.

You can indent your comments by inserting '''-->''' at the beginning text. Many HTML codes can also be inserted. Other formatting features can also be found at the bottom of the edit page.
Changed line 5 from:
<img src="" align="right" /><img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>David
<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>David
Deleted lines 8-9:
-><span style="color: #900;">Reading now, on flight back home from Texas. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 16-17:
-><span style="color: #900;">Thrilled to be here. You know you're in East Texas when you get out of the car and your glasses automatically fog up and you have not problem finding a good meal of seafood . </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 24-25:
-><span style="color: #900;">One of the best things about this is that of evaluating myself. I learn from what you guys focus on in the chat, what I'm getting right and what I'm explaining wrongly. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 36-37:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea! But it's a grade I don't think I could teach. There something about little 3 foot tikes hugging me around the knee caps -- I just don't think I could go there ;-) </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 40-41:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes! And we so need people who love the tech, who live the "light." However, I'm one of those who loves what you can shine that light on. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 48-49:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yep! However, in another presentation I make a point for increasing focus on art, music, drama, heritage, etc. and for the very same reason. When my wife and I bought an HDTV the other day, we weren't concerned about the tech of it. We were shopping for a better picture, better sound, etc. We were shopping for a better experience with what the creative arts people contribute. We shop creative arts much more than the technical arts. It's economy. Dan Pink and Richard Florida both express the very well.</span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 52-57:
-><span style="color: #900;">Knitterchat is a personal experiment and in constant beta. So it is not publicly available. However, I recommend the following free tools for your consideration:
** <span style="color: #900;">Backnoise -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Backchan -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Chatzy -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Today's Meet -- (my favorite) </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 60-61:
-><span style="color: #900;">It is an intensely exciting and wondrous world that we live in. Learning about it should be just as exciting. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 64-65:
-><span style="color: #900;">Thanks for your comment. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 68-69:
-><span style="color: #900;">Hmmm! I'd actually not thought of this as something that would work in meetings. I don't do meetings that much since leaving the NC State Department of Public Instruction. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 76-77:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea, but college is going to be interesting to watch. It's going to change. So much is going online, and not just because it's cool, but because it can be done more cheaply. College costs too much, considering how much money most people make from the jobs they're prepared for, after graduation. College is going to change, and I'm a little lamentful about that. I'm a romantic at heart when it comes to education. Can you believe it? </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 84-85:
-><span style="color: #900;">The future they're going to choose. The future they are going to invent. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 88-89:
-><span style="color: #900;">I think that this is a huge distinction that many educators do not realize. A classroom that is information abundant is very different from a classroom that is information scarce. It's a wholly different approach to teaching and learning, especially when that information is less packaged. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 92-93:
-><span style="color: #900;">And so much more. It's so much more than just programming. It's learning math by using numbers buy working numbers. The assessment is not just, "you got that right (&#8730;)!" or "You got that wrong (X)!" The assessment message is, "'''[+That Worked!+]'''" or "'''[+That Didn't Work!+]'''" No matter what the response, you've learned something new. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 96-97:
-><span style="color: #900;">This idea of students learning by learning to program is huge right now, and there are many more now in addition to Scratch. Interestingly, this was one of the earliest applications of computers in education, teaching children thinking skills by helping them learn to program. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 100-101:
-><span style="color: #900;">They're out of Australia. Very robust, but wonderful tech support, both in Australia and here in the states. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 112-113:
-><span style="color: #900;">Again, no '''&#8730;''' or '''X'''. It's, "'''[+It worked!]+'''" or "'''[+It didn't work!+]'''" </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 120-127:
-><span style="color: #900;">They move on by questioning themselves on the other side. Questioning drives their learning. There are actually size qualities that I usually write about, and one is that their experience is "'''powered by questions!'''" They are that the experience is...</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Responsive</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Provokes Conversation</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Is powered by Questioning</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Builds Identity</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Inspires Personal Investment</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Is Guided by Safely Made Mistakes</span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Changed line 122 from:
Start small. The kids HAVE to ask questions.
Start small. The kids HAVE to ask questions.
Deleted lines 124-125:
-><span style="color: #900;">Start small. Leave stuff out. Start with a problem, not an assignment. Why do we put word problems at the end of a math unit. Shouldn't the word problem come first, and students question themselves into the math. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 128-129:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes, but student initiated inquiry. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 132-133:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes, and what a fantastic question, "'''[+What do you think?+]'''" </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 136-137:
-><span style="color: #900;">It's part of the conversation we were talking about after the presentation. The best professional development is the casual conversations that teachers have among themselves everyday. The district/schools need to facilitate those conversations, and much of can take place via the networks, Edmodo/Twitter, etc. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 140-141:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea! Just think about the effects of asking 6th graders editing the writings of 4th graders, and then sent back to the 4th graders. Think of the effects of asking 8th graders to develop learning resources for 6th graders. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 148-149:
-><span style="color: #900;">That would be a great way to do it. It's what's wonderful about blogs, that you can do almost anything with them. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 152-155:
-><span style="color: #900;">Hmmm! Might be interesting to have just one blog and invite any teacher can write to it. You can set up categories for the blogs so that only 1st grade blogs could be viewed, or only Social Studies articles. So much you could do with this. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>

-><span style="color: #900;"> Another tool you might consider is Diigo. It's a social bookmarking tool. You can bookmark web sites with a comment as to how it might be useful. Sites can be tagged by subject area or even standards objectives. Any teacher could contribute to it and all teachers could access it. It could probably actually be intergraded into the blog, depending on the blogging platform you use. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 156-157:
-><span style="color: #900;">This reminds me of a recent NPR article talking about the difference between education in the U.S. and in Asia. Here, if we see students struggling with something, it's seen as a problem. Something's wrong. However, in Asia, students struggling is a good think. It means that they're working on their learning. It's the difference between working to make it easy to learn and working to make the learning hard. We value what we pay a higher price for. Of course high-stakes testing makes that difficult. We need to kill high-stakes testing. It's government conspiracy to kill public education. ''Did I say that out loud?'' </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 160-161:
-><span style="color: #900;">We also need to give ourselves permission to get it wrong sometimes. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 168-169:
-><span style="color: #900;">Learning can be playful. Another big thing in ed tech is gamification, and not just in education. I'm afraid that we aren't really getting it right yet. Most of it is about badges, which is just a different way of giving grades. It goes much deeper than that, game mechanics. I know of a school in New York that actually hired two game designers to help students plan their units and projects. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 172-173:
-><span style="color: #900;">Would be so easy to do, and you could do it with just one blog. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Deleted lines 176-177:
-><span style="color: #900;">..and it's such an authentic way of learning. It's playful and empowering. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Changed lines 179-181 from:
23 Aug 2013 - 11:52:17

-><span style="color: #900;">Such a powerful thing to say to students. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
23 Aug 2013 - 11:52:17
Added lines 9-10:
-><span style="color: #900;">Reading now, on flight back home from Texas. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 19-20:
-><span style="color: #900;">Thrilled to be here. You know you're in East Texas when you get out of the car and your glasses automatically fog up and you have not problem finding a good meal of seafood . </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 29-30:
-><span style="color: #900;">One of the best things about this is that of evaluating myself. I learn from what you guys focus on in the chat, what I'm getting right and what I'm explaining wrongly. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 43-44:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea! But it's a grade I don't think I could teach. There something about little 3 foot tikes hugging me around the knee caps -- I just don't think I could go there ;-) </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 49-50:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes! And we so need people who love the tech, who live the "light." However, I'm one of those who loves what you can shine that light on. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 59-60:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yep! However, in another presentation I make a point for increasing focus on art, music, drama, heritage, etc. and for the very same reason. When my wife and I bought an HDTV the other day, we weren't concerned about the tech of it. We were shopping for a better picture, better sound, etc. We were shopping for a better experience with what the creative arts people contribute. We shop creative arts much more than the technical arts. It's economy. Dan Pink and Richard Florida both express the very well.</span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 65-70:
-><span style="color: #900;">Knitterchat is a personal experiment and in constant beta. So it is not publicly available. However, I recommend the following free tools for your consideration:
** <span style="color: #900;">Backnoise -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Backchan -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Chatzy -- </span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Today's Meet -- (my favorite) </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 79-80:
-><span style="color: #900;">It is an intensely exciting and wondrous world that we live in. Learning about it should be just as exciting. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 85-86:
-><span style="color: #900;">Thanks for your comment. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 91-92:
-><span style="color: #900;">Hmmm! I'd actually not thought of this as something that would work in meetings. I don't do meetings that much since leaving the NC State Department of Public Instruction. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 101-102:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea, but college is going to be interesting to watch. It's going to change. So much is going online, and not just because it's cool, but because it can be done more cheaply. College costs too much, considering how much money most people make from the jobs they're prepared for, after graduation. College is going to change, and I'm a little lamentful about that. I'm a romantic at heart when it comes to education. Can you believe it? </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 111-112:
-><span style="color: #900;">The future they're going to choose. The future they are going to invent. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 117-118:
-><span style="color: #900;">I think that this is a huge distinction that many educators do not realize. A classroom that is information abundant is very different from a classroom that is information scarce. It's a wholly different approach to teaching and learning, especially when that information is less packaged. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 123-124:
-><span style="color: #900;">And so much more. It's so much more than just programming. It's learning math by using numbers buy working numbers. The assessment is not just, "you got that right (&#8730;)!" or "You got that wrong (X)!" The assessment message is, "'''[+That Worked!+]'''" or "'''[+That Didn't Work!+]'''" No matter what the response, you've learned something new. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 129-130:
-><span style="color: #900;">This idea of students learning by learning to program is huge right now, and there are many more now in addition to Scratch. Interestingly, this was one of the earliest applications of computers in education, teaching children thinking skills by helping them learn to program. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 135-136:
-><span style="color: #900;">They're out of Australia. Very robust, but wonderful tech support, both in Australia and here in the states. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 149-150:
-><span style="color: #900;">Again, no '''&#8730;''' or '''X'''. It's, "'''[+It worked!]+'''" or "'''[+It didn't work!+]'''" </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 159-166:
-><span style="color: #900;">They move on by questioning themselves on the other side. Questioning drives their learning. There are actually size qualities that I usually write about, and one is that their experience is "'''powered by questions!'''" They are that the experience is...</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Responsive</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Provokes Conversation</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Is powered by Questioning</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Builds Identity</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Inspires Personal Investment</span>
** <span style="color: #900;">Is Guided by Safely Made Mistakes</span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 171-172:
-><span style="color: #900;">Start small. Leave stuff out. Start with a problem, not an assignment. Why do we put word problems at the end of a math unit. Shouldn't the word problem come first, and students question themselves into the math. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 177-178:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes, but student initiated inquiry. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 183-184:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yes, and what a fantastic question, "'''[+What do you think?+]'''" </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 189-190:
-><span style="color: #900;">It's part of the conversation we were talking about after the presentation. The best professional development is the casual conversations that teachers have among themselves everyday. The district/schools need to facilitate those conversations, and much of can take place via the networks, Edmodo/Twitter, etc. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 195-196:
-><span style="color: #900;">Yea! Just think about the effects of asking 6th graders editing the writings of 4th graders, and then sent back to the 4th graders. Think of the effects of asking 8th graders to develop learning resources for 6th graders. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 205-206:
-><span style="color: #900;">That would be a great way to do it. It's what's wonderful about blogs, that you can do almost anything with them. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 211-214:
-><span style="color: #900;">Hmmm! Might be interesting to have just one blog and invite any teacher can write to it. You can set up categories for the blogs so that only 1st grade blogs could be viewed, or only Social Studies articles. So much you could do with this. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>

-><span style="color: #900;"> Another tool you might consider is Diigo. It's a social bookmarking tool. You can bookmark web sites with a comment as to how it might be useful. Sites can be tagged by subject area or even standards objectives. Any teacher could contribute to it and all teachers could access it. It could probably actually be intergraded into the blog, depending on the blogging platform you use. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 219-220:
-><span style="color: #900;">This reminds me of a recent NPR article talking about the difference between education in the U.S. and in Asia. Here, if we see students struggling with something, it's seen as a problem. Something's wrong. However, in Asia, students struggling is a good think. It means that they're working on their learning. It's the difference between working to make it easy to learn and working to make the learning hard. We value what we pay a higher price for. Of course high-stakes testing makes that difficult. We need to kill high-stakes testing. It's government conspiracy to kill public education. ''Did I say that out loud?'' </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 225-226:
-><span style="color: #900;">We also need to give ourselves permission to get it wrong sometimes. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 235-236:
-><span style="color: #900;">Learning can be playful. Another big thing in ed tech is gamification, and not just in education. I'm afraid that we aren't really getting it right yet. Most of it is about badges, which is just a different way of giving grades. It goes much deeper than that, game mechanics. I know of a school in New York that actually hired two game designers to help students plan their units and projects. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 241-242:
-><span style="color: #900;">Would be so easy to do, and you could do it with just one blog. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 247-248:
-><span style="color: #900;">..and it's such an authentic way of learning. It's playful and empowering. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 252-253:

-><span style="color: #900;">Such a powerful thing to say to students. </span> - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
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<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>David
<img src="" align="right" /><img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>David
Changed lines 1-179 from:
Future home of the Van ISD professional development.
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<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>David
I look forward to reading your conversation.
23 Aug 2013 - 10:34:41

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Mike
That's cool..
23 Aug 2013 - 10:35:09

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Whitney
Welcome to VISD! :)
23 Aug 2013 - 10:36:01

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Melissa pugh
Too cool
23 Aug 2013 - 10:36:04

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Ryan
23 Aug 2013 - 10:36:08

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Jennifer
23 Aug 2013 - 10:36:49

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Jan Johnston
We're in!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:37:09

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Jennifer
1st grade rocks!!!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:37:18

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>tonya
Love technology!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:37:28

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Cody
23 Aug 2013 - 10:38:11

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Melissa pugh
STEM rox
23 Aug 2013 - 10:38:23

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Christie
This will be great to use in the classroom!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:39:03

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Lisa
This is great.
23 Aug 2013 - 10:39:06

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Bugar
#:School is cool!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:40:34

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Donna
Loving Knitterchat! Thx for sharing Dave!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:41:23

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Donna
@Christie Yes! And in meetings and workshops too!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:43:16

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Rexanne Thomas
What a great tool!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:44:37

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>JE Rhodes
School is cool and college rules!
23 Aug 2013 - 10:45:01

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>tonya
I'll take that jacket in black please
23 Aug 2013 - 10:53:40

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Whitney
Prepare them for THEIR future, not ours.
23 Aug 2013 - 10:55:20

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Rexanne Thomas
Our classrooms no longer have to be information scarce. Access to technology removes the ceiling.
23 Aug 2013 - 10:59:32

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Donna
Teaching critical thinking with Scratch.
23 Aug 2013 - 11:09:38

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Whitney Create stories, games, and animations Share with others around the world
23 Aug 2013 - 11:12:07

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Whitney
23 Aug 2013 - 11:13:44

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Rexanne Thomas for teacher & student blogs
23 Aug 2013 - 11:13:51

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Donna
23 Aug 2013 - 11:14:10

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Rexanne Thomas
Assessment generated when their learning experiences respond to them.
23 Aug 2013 - 11:15:44

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Whitney
We are a question asking culture.
23 Aug 2013 - 11:22:47

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Melissa pugh
The power of questions!
23 Aug 2013 - 11:29:52

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Sarah
Start small. The kids HAVE to ask questions.
23 Aug 2013 - 11:30:12

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Melissa pugh
True inquiry
23 Aug 2013 - 11:30:23

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Melissa pugh
Answer with a question
23 Aug 2013 - 11:30:49

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Donna
How can we work collaboratively among grade levels to create projects using technology?
23 Aug 2013 - 11:34:04

@donna Let's work on that...any other teachers out there want to work across grade levels?
23 Aug 2013 - 11:37:49

@donna Let's work on that...any other teachers out there want to work across grade levels?
23 Aug 2013 - 11:38:01

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>tonya
Maybe a district wide blog for teachers to share ideas
23 Aug 2013 - 11:39:35

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Donna
The blog idea sounds good. Thoughts? Topical? Campus? Grade/subject area?
23 Aug 2013 - 11:43:42

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Donna
Children succeed by getting it wrong. Big paradigm shift in how we teach and think!
23 Aug 2013 - 11:45:38

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Whitney
We need to give them permission to get it wrong.
23 Aug 2013 - 11:46:23

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>tonya
create one page with sub pages designated by grades/campus/topic?
23 Aug 2013 - 11:47:30

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Donna
Can we be playful enough to give ourselves permission to get it wrong?
23 Aug 2013 - 11:50:08

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Melissa pugh
I like the subject area grade level blog idea
23 Aug 2013 - 11:50:29

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Melissa pugh
I get it wrong a lot. That empowers my students
23 Aug 2013 - 11:51:22

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Whitney
Surprise Me!
23 Aug 2013 - 11:52:17
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Future home of the Van ISD professional development.
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