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Please feel free to edit the conversation with answers and solutions. Simply click Edit at the top right of the page and enter teacher as the password. You can insert text, in much the same way that you would with a word processor. However it is a very primitive word processor. You will see, at the bottom of the page, techniques for formatting your messages.

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Main.HomePage History

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June 03, 2011, at 07:45 AM EST by -
Added lines 7-8:

[[Chats Page]]
June 03, 2011, at 07:40 AM EST by -
Changed lines 1-12 from:
Welcome to PmWiki!

A local copy of PmWiki's
documentation has been installed along with the software,
and is available via the [[PmWiki/documentation index]].

To continue setting up PmWiki, see [[PmWiki/initial setup tasks]].

The [[PmWiki/basic editing]] page describes how to create pages
in PmWiki. You can practice editing in the [[wiki sandbox]].

More information about PmWiki is available from
[-Return to [[|CoLearners]]-]

Knitterchat is a backchanneling tool designed for engaged learning. Participants can post '''comments''', '''questions''', '''answers''', and '''concerns''' in the textbox to the left. An explicit aim of this tool is to archive a constructivist approach to learning by enabling an audience to build ideas from their own collaborative understandings and individual perspectives.

Here you will find the transcripts for past backchanneled events
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Page last modified on June 03, 2011, at 07:45 AM EST