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Main.ISTE2012-InfoVisualizationSession History

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June 28, 2012, at 09:58 AM EST by -
Added lines 9-10:
This is actually from my spotlight session from the day before, "Cracking the Code of the 'Native' Information Experience." The transformative questions can be found here: - dfw
Added lines 15-16:
Another one from the previous presentation. Most people at this conference know about Scratch - - dfw
Added lines 25-26:
;-) - dfw
Added lines 39-40:
Yo! Go Thunder! ..and fear the beard... - dfw
Added lines 49-50:
Yes! Risk-taking equals confidence + courage. - dfw
Added lines 59-60:
I agree, and I come from a long line of story-tellers. - dfw
Added lines 77-78:
More than ever before, our environment and experience is measured (or measurable) with numbers. We have to have ways to interpret that data into pictures and stories. - dfw
Added lines 83-87:
''And the thing is, that there is nothing new about any of this. What's new are:
# Unprecidented access to data
# Astounding number crunching capabilities
# A network through-which to distribute our graphics -- our stories '' - dfw
Added lines 92-93:
Yes! I think that this is the coolest part of data visualization is making sense of the enormous amount of data that our social behaviors generate today. We looking at ourselves through our behaviors, not just through the eyes of the media. - dfw
Added lines 98-99:
Ah, yes! Beware its seduction. But that's part of using thing, questioning the answers. It's an essential element of being literate today. - dfw
Added lines 104-105:
..and funny too! - dfw
Added lines 114-115:
Data has a story to tell. Through visualization, and the artistry of designers, we can understand that story -- understand more about ourselves. - dfw
Added lines 120-121:
Yep! - dfw
Added lines 126-127:
Not me! But it's part of my affliction, needing to rearrange my slides the morning of my presentation. - dfw
Added lines 132-133:
It's a unique and timely convergence between content (social studies, science, health); Mathematics; and Art. Isn't this what we've been looking for? - dfw
Added lines 146-147:
Yes, there are dozens of these sites and blogs out there. I think that my daughter has links to many of them in here blog ( - dfw
Added lines 152-153:
I do not know! - dfw
Added lines 166-167:
I'll defiantly use that in in my next presentation. - dfw
Added lines 176-177:
I'm sorry that I didn't. But I hope that I made the point that part of being literate today is being in the habit of "..asking questions about the answers that we find." - dfw
Added lines 182-183:
Certainly, there are several. But I like to simply ask, "Does this help me accomplish my goals?" This helps to satisfy the validity of the information, but also it's appropriateness to the task at hand. - dfw
Added lines 192-193:
Yes! It's like Wikipedia. The value is in its insistence on asking questions. - dfw
Added lines 218-219:
Thanks! I just suggested that article to my daughter for inclusion in IGaD - dfw
Added lines 232-233:
Yep! Too cool for school! - dfw
Added lines 238-239:
I'm not sure this would work, but I've often thought about the possibility of starting infographics be presenting them as performance art. Have students rearrange themselves as to indicate quantities. - dfw
Added lines 255-256:
Thanks for coming... - dfw
June 28, 2012, at 09:15 AM EST by -
Changed line 9 from:

dan_xlb (Dan Exelby)


dan_xlb (Dan Exelby)

June 28, 2012, at 09:13 AM EST by -
Changed lines 1-203 from:

Future Home of backchannel transcript.

June 26, 2012, at 03:02 PM EST by -
Added line 1:

Future Home of backchannel transcript.

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Page last modified on June 28, 2012, at 09:58 AM EST