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Imagining the Future of Learning

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Added lines 523-524:

The following appears to be chatter from the afternoon

Added lines 577-578:
That's an interesting question. I do not know its context. I suspect that not only should the mathematics of engineering be a part of what students are learning, but also the design aspects of engineering. - dfw
Added lines 583-584:
Yes! In fact, one might say that library science has become a basic literacy skill for everyone. - dfw
Added lines 589-592:
We need a government that is interested in extending the democratic rights of individual citizens. It is corporate interests that has held us back. - dfw

The following appears to be chatter from day 2

Added lines 621-622:
This is probably true. But I think that we need to have a conversation about what privacy we are so concerned about losing. - dfw
Added lines 631-632:
Wow! That is an interesting article. I think that we can learn so much about ourselves, our society, by analyzing our en-mass digital footprints. - dfw
Added lines 637-638:
Interesting point. Its lots of little brothers. - dfw
Added lines 643-644:
THank you! Art is communication, and communication is our circulation system. - dfw
Added lines 657-658:
Here is a direct link to Stephen Abrams blog article -- - dfw
Added lines 663-664:
Yes, that is a cool infographic, especially the point that many kids today can outrun winners from years ago. - dfw
Added lines 669-670:
Wow! That's great. Thanks! - dfw
Added lines 675-676:
I could have used this when I was working on my cost of education animation. - dfw
Added lines 725-726:
Thanks for including this. It's one of my favorite infographic sites, because I like the movies. - dfw
Added lines 751-752:
I hate to be nitpick, but it's Mr. Warlick - dfw
Added lines 757-758:
They may not actually be for sale. I couldn't find one on eBay. - dfw
Added lines 763-764:
Paper mills have been around for quite some time. - dfw
Added lines 777-778:
;-) - dfw
Deleted lines 788-789:
Changed lines 3-756 from:

The future home of the IFL backchannel transcript

Added lines 1-3:

Imagining the Future of Learning

The future home of the IFL backchannel transcript

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Page last modified on June 14, 2013, at 10:15 AM EST