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Main.InfographicsAndDataVisualization-NCTIES History

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Changed lines 39-40 from:
Of course this is Copenhagen, the city where the citizens voted to tax their own use of automobiles in the city. ;-) - dfw
Of course this is Copenhagen, the city where the citizens voted to tax their own use of automobiles in the city. ;-)
In this country, people would hit the roof, claiming an intrusion on their privacy, even with the opt-in feature. I think that it's an important issue, but we have to be willing to consider potential benefits of going in directions that are counter to our knee-jerk reaction. - dfw
Added lines 47-48:
Yes! Content + Number Crunching + Design = Communication / Information Visualization !!! - dfw
Added lines 61-62:
It's what bothers me about STEM. For the very same reasons that we are promoting STEM we should be promoting art, music, drama, culture (history, sociology, anthropology). Science & Math are worthless if you can't contextualize it and talk about it compellingly. - dfw
Added lines 71-75:
More examples? - dfw
  • ''Flashmobs
  • ''YouTube
  • ''Mashups
Added lines 80-81:
It's one of the debates that occur around infographics and data visualization, "Is just cool, enough?" I think it is! It's an art form in the broadest sense -- and the broader the better. - dfw
Added lines 86-87:
It's an example of an Infographic that's been around for a long time. Cave paintings is another one :-) - dfw
Added lines 91-92:
- dfw
Added lines 23-24:
Now that I think about it a bit, asking students to critique or evaluated each other's blog assignments is a form of crowd-sourcing. It's not necesarily instant feedback, but it is authentic feedback. It's a responsive learning experience. - dfw
Added lines 33-34:
I hope that this helped, at least in exposing you to some of the types of Infographics and data vis, and some tips on implementing it. - dfw
Added lines 38-39:
Of course this is Copenhagen, the city where the citizens voted to tax their own use of automobiles in the city. ;-) - dfw
Added lines 21-22:
Hmm! Interesting idea. I'll have to noodle that for a while... - dfw
Changed line 85 from:

9 Mar 2012 - 13:13:29


9 Mar 2012 - 13:13:29

Added lines 1-83:
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Page last modified on March 11, 2012, at 09:22 AM EST