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Main.SouthDakotaSummerSymposium6-6-2011 History

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Changed line 567 from:
Added lines 571-572:
->''True = Solution ....Does it help you accomplish your goal?...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 582-583:
->''Red Dead Redemption...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 602-603:
->''I had a teacher tell me, a while back, that his son paid for his college tuition by selling digital assets on YouTube...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 636-638:
->'' ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Changed lines 147-150 from:
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:17:14-]xxxx

->''But this is part of the shift we are all talking about -- from the teacher as dominating that disuucs...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:17:14-]

->''But this is part of the shift we are all talking about -- from the teacher as dominating that discussion,to crafting the experience and guiding the discussion...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 169-170:
->''But what we measure are right answers. Those are the only answers that are valuable -- as teaching and learning are currently measured. It's my opinion that we need care less about the right answer, and more about what they can do with the answers that they find, discover, or invent....'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 180-181:
->''Prototypes -- ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 197-198:
->''I think that the public could be convinced otherwise, if they were shown a compelling alternative. The do not want their children having that kind of pressure. ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 217-218:
->''Isn't that our job -- really? Aren't we making ourselves obsolete?...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 237-238:
->''It's part of being literate. In a sense, librarianship has become a personal skills It's one reason why librarians are so important to schools...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 251-252:
->''There are a lot of bogus web sites out there...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 271-272:
->''Well put!...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 288-289:
->'' There is a step by step of that demo in the online handouts. The direct link is ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 296-297:
->''Yes, but my question would be, "How long does that take?" I've worked in some schools where if the teacher encounters a web page that is blocked, and the teachers needs to use it, then the teacher has the password to unblock the page for a limited amount of time....'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 304-305:
->''Yes! Interesting. Doesn't that, in a way, make the students responsible for uncovering what is true -- like a detective? Is that empowering for the students?...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 315-316:
->''If this is about Wikipedia, I think that part of being literate today is understanding what sites like wikipedia are really good at, and what sources like Encyclopedia Britannica are really good at. ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 320-321:
->''Again, why not allow teachers to unblock appropriate sites?...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 334-335:
->''Unblock most everything and then give them a compelling reason to go for the good stuff...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 342-343:
->''Wait a minute. Are you talking about teachers abusing the information?...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 374-376:
->''Surely you're not saying that there are administators who do not have access to computer and the Internet!...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 404-406:
->''Why do you not like Excel. Is it Excel or is it spreadsheets. I think that spreadsheet software is a mathematics tool...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 476-478:
->''Absolutely not. Our job is to teach students to communicate and to communicate in order to accomplish goals. Students should learn how to decide when text is more appropriate or video, image, sound, or what combination of those media...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 482-483:
->''If she was my student, I would be asking, "How do you know that is true?" My students would be in the habit of defending their work...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Changed line 567 from:
Changed lines 37-44 from:
-->''Knitterchat is a person experiment and in constant beta. I recommend the following free tools for your consideration:
* Backnoise --
* Backchan --
* Chatzy --
* Today's Meet -- (my favorite)...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
->''Knitterchat is a person experiment and in constant beta. I recommend the following free tools for your consideration:
** Backnoise --
** Backchan --
** Chatzy --
** Today's Meet -- (my favorite)...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 46-47:
->''It's one of my favorite quites, "20th century education was defined by its limites. 21st century education will be defined by its lack of limites."...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 102-103:
->''One of the things that I am suggesting is that we start to define teachers as master (adaptive, resourceful, experimental) learners....'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 107-108:
->''The only difference between Raleigh and the little down a grew up in, is that I'd have to drive further to the airport. That's it. There is very little that I'm doing in Raleigh that I couldn't do in my home town...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 118-122:
->''There are a number of educators who are experimenting with SL and especially with emersive video games. Look to these two educators''

-> ''Peggy Sheehe --''
-> ''Lucas Gillispie -- ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 126-127:
->''This, I suspect, is a temporary problem ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 131-132:
->''Bingo! It's because some of us still think it's a technology problem. In reality, it's not even a new problem. I had a drawer in my teachers desk where I confuscated inappropriate materials that I found in student possession. We'll get over it ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 136-137:
->''But you have to have boundaries. You have to have hard places to move forward. Walls and and book covers are way to confining. I'm not sure what the hard places are. The kids would say it was each other. But I do know that the avenues will be mulidimensional. As you are listenting and watching me, you are also conversing here in Knitter, or you may be Tweeting, or writing a blog article, and the conversation continues afterway, beyond the boundaries of place and time. I think that the hard place for you and I is, "Does this help me do my job?" So perhaps our angle should be to make formal learning a job...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 144-145:
->''Yes, but again, nothing new here. It's not a technology problem. The problem is that our society is producing some really creepy people. The problem isn't as big as the media would have us believe. ...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Changed lines 147-149 from:
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:17:14-]
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:17:14-]xxxx

->''But this is part of the shift we are all talking about -- from the teacher as dominating that disuucs...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 14-15:
-->''To be honest, it works best for people who are 35 years of age or younger. I have learned to type and listen at the same time, but I can't listen and type simultaneously...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 36-43:

-->''Knitterchat is a person experiment and in constant beta. I recommend the following free tools for your consideration:
* Backnoise --
* Backchan --
* Chatzy --
* Today's Meet -- (my favorite)...'' - dfw<img src='' height='25' align='right'>
Added lines 1-621:
Here is the transcript of your backchannel conversation for . This is a wiki page. As such, you can edit this page and insert text into the transcript, contining the conversation, as I have done. To edit, click the EDIT link at the top of the page. The password is ''teacher''.

You can indent your comments by inserting '''-->''' at the beginning text. Many HTML codes can also be inserted. Other formatting features can also be found at the bottom of the edit page.
<img src="" align="right" width="250"><img src='' height='25' align='left'>am thinking about justin bieber
->[-trevor - 5 Jun 2011 - 20:45:58-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I am thinking I already learned something new.
->[-Tanya Czepull - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:06:40-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>This is cool :)
->[-Ashley - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:06:54-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I would like a diet coke.
->[-Bill Marquardt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:07:00-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Justin Bieber is thinking about learning something new...
->[-Emily Garcia - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:07:03-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I am feeling claustrophobic.
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:07:16-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Tanya !
->[-Brad S - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:07:36-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Justin Bieber is not thinking at all.
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:07:43-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>so far so good
->[-tanna - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:08:12-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>great site but now we have to be on top of the types of conversations during school
->[-EKruggs - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:08:15-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>21st century is defined by it's lack of boundaries. True dat!
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:08:19-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I have been introduced to knitterchat
->[-Brad - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:08:20-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Who is Justin bieber? (kidding!)
->[-Annie Kontor - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:08:23-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>"21st century education is defined by it's lack of boundaries"
->[-Amanda - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:08:39-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>this is really cool
->[-Amy Tripp - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:09:00-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>at key note speaker David Warlick
->[-Mary Ellen - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:09:04-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I need to talk to learn. This is a great tool for me!
->[-Shannon - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:09:16-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>how does it know where we are?
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:09:27-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Surprised by the sophomoric Justin Bieber comments by individuals in a professional conference.
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:09:34-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I wish all teachers could understand his statement on boundaries
->[-Ginnysd - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:09:56-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ the time that isn't from the conference
->[-EKruggs - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:10:22-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>another good program like this is
->[-DonneleyKay - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:10:28-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Welcome to South Dakota
->[-Sue - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:10:43-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>im going to start using second life.
->[-tanafix - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:11:00-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>It appears to be fewer sessions this relative to budget cuts??
->[-Drc - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:11:17-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>EKruggs - always smarter than average
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:11:23-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>So what is meant by w/o boundaries
->[-Lenclem - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:11:41-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I've used 2nd Life. They say it is good for kids with autism. There are lots of weirdos on there.
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:11:42-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Yes - we pride ourselves on adapting, yet administration does not provide teachers the license to adapt.
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:13:11-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>We have a woman in our town who is a consultant and runs an office out of her home.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:13:31-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>i am thinking i have so much to learn
->[-nancy - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:13:49-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I agree. I have so much to learn.
->[-Rachelle Loven - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:14:37-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ things have you done with 2nd life? I am not familiar with this.
->[-Kersten - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:14:48-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>We do want that technology, but then we aren't able to use it in our classrooms due to the filtering system that is in place.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:15:19-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>When do we go from an technology filter to teaching our kids how to filter for themselves?
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:15:48-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>W/OBoundaries: no books, no bells, no more dictators in the class students and teachers learn from each other
->[-Ginnysd - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:16:18-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Exactly - they are learning it on their own - why are we not a part of that?
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:16:19-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>But there are some really creepy people out there. It's almost like a virtual nightclub.
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:16:39-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ problem with that is that kids are teaching kids and not always making good choices...our discussions focus on parental control.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:17:14-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Need to fail to learn. If we don't allow choices, how do they learn?
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:17:55-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>"Too much time teaching kids to use paper." Great statement!
->[-JoJean Callison - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:18:06-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Wouldn't that be a great PD tool for our administrators to use? Wow!
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:18:15-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Information versus wisdom
->[-Lenclem - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:18:18-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>where s my class
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:18:53-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ are stuck in a society where failure is always negative and not looked at as a learning moment.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:18:57-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Then up to us to change it
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:19:18-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@!
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:20:04-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Are these real devices?!
->[-Annie Kontor - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:20:08-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>one can only hope so. wouldn't they be fun
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:20:31-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ don't think that is completely true in our classrooms we make the decisions on what is graded and how, so failure can be success
->[-EKruggs - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:20:50-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>"Preparing them for their future!" That would be a great focus statement for our schools.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:21:12-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ is the statement for my classroom
->[-EKruggs - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:21:52-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ know is what society as a whole views as success vs. failure that I am referring to.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:22:03-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>It'
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:22:11-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>You should watch the talk given by Sir Ken Robinson.
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:22:18-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>What we do know - if we give them skills instead of info - they can succeed
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:22:22-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>It's about skills and experiences. Gadgets and all that come and go.
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:22:38-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Children today need high level decision skills.
->[-Lenclem - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:23:10-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Teach them to be independent of us - the greatest gift we can give them
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:23:17-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Stop integrating technology but integrate literacy great statement
->[-Ginnysd - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:23:21-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ said
->[-EKruggs - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:23:42-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:23:44-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I've heard that 2nd Life takes up too much bandwidth
->[-Lisa - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:23:46-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ is about skills and experiences. Technology is always changing. Being able to read, understand, and apply knowledge is the goal.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:24:08-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Now with so much "information" how will we know what's "true"
->[-Lenclem - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:24:22-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'> have heard Sir Ken R. Great presentation. Makes you really consider what you are giving students u
->[-Lori - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:24:32-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Best thing to teach students is how to teach themselves!!- great statement!
->[-Tanya Czepull - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:24:41-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>yes that's true about 2nd life. I think it is blocked by the state filter, of course
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:25:10-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>That is a great site to teach students about authenticity of a web site.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:25:43-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Literacy, yes. I like the term digital detective...SO stealing it! ;)
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:25:53-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ did a book study on The Element by Robinson, it was a great learning experience for everyone.
->[-Tanya Czepull - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:26:02-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Mature and responsible curiosity, and the skills to "search."
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:26:03-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Jason is a great term. I'm borrowing it as well.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:26:40-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>EXACTLY!!! That darn filter!
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:27:17-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>We have to teach them how to use what they know and investigate what they don't know.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:28:03-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ frustrating
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:28:14-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>That was a little scary!
->[-Mark Haase - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:28:17-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>unless they learn it from a video game....
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:28:42-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>It is incredibly irritating to be a staff member, not to mention a student, and have content filtered to the point of hampering knowledge.
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:28:46-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>What was the URL for the MLK site?
->[-Lisa - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:29:17-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Wikipedia is a springboard, nothing more, nothing less
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:30:30-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>The thing that many of us forget is that you can request for that page to be rated differently or use the tech person in your school.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:30:41-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I hate textbooks.
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:30:47-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I like to use Wikipedia for my students to research information and find out if it is true or not.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:31:18-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ don't forget, it is just a pain in the neck
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:31:25-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ our school, many just forget that they can do that and stop there and complain.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:31:58-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@, ok for finding basic
->[-Mark Haase - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:32:00-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>That would be a full time job unblocking sites for everyone.
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:32:18-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@'ll take that job! Once click, open all!
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:33:09-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Our job as educators is to help our students overcome the obstacles standing in their way and find a way to unlock the truth.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:33:43-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ not just give us access to all and if we abuse it we get fired
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:34:11-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Open everything and teach kids how to behave properly & make good decisions...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:34:20-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ agree with you, but until that time comes, we have to use what we have.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:34:52-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>And trust that your staff isn't go to sit and play online poker all day.
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:35:10-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:35:20-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Blocking is a local decision. We can change things NOW.
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:35:40-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Jason would be the best for everyone. However, there are places where parents expect filters to be in place to protect kids.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:35:43-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Jason many people don't know this, or they do and enjoy the fact that others don't.
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:36:25-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>When the majority of students have unblocked Ipods? Protect from what?
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:36:32-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I can see filtering kids because there is some scary stuff out there but can't they just keep track rather than block me entirely?
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:36:56-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>XXX sites maybe. But blocking because it is "unrated" is laughable...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:36:59-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I'd say adminstrators like it for productivity reasons
->[-Susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:37:40-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ they all have access
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:38:07-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>No - they don't(admin).
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:38:27-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Jason agree. I have had plenty of unrated pages that I have had to request a rating. Very few have been refused. Time consuming
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:38:33-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ some districts have their own filters and monitor and discipline based on keystrokes and whether they intentionally went to site
->[-EKruggs - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:38:47-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:38:55-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Control vs. Trust. Faith vs. Power.
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:39:49-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ can get to youtube...handy site
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:39:52-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ true!
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:40:20-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I am kind of tired of the lack of faith & trust... But change is coming for sure! ;)
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:41:30-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ that sarcasm? youtube IS handy
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:41:31-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>That is really cool...I don't like Excel, but that shows me how it can be useful to teaching my students the importance of math.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:41:32-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@...tons of educational videos on there. I would love access to it. instead I have to download it at home..convert it..
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:43:19-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Tagcrowd, Tagxedo, Wordle, etc.
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:43:26-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>...find a program to save it to...then maybe i can use it at school
->[-Jason - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:43:56-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@! You know about Zamzar I hope?
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:43:58-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I love
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:44:04-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ love Zamzar, but we have YouTube open to the teachers at our school.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:44:35-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>We have YouTube too, NEXT Facebook! ;)
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:45:22-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>new lenses compel new questions- so how many different lenses can we show our students?
->[ - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:45:24-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@, that's a trend I'm seeing more and more of thankfully.
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:45:27-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ got it open along with a long speech about previewing and making sure it was appropriate.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:46:04-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Wow! 150 sets of encyclopedias? Unbelievable.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:46:40-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ take the good with the bad :-)
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:47:02-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@...I didn't complain...I know how to filter for myself and my students...some teachers complained, but they need to do the work.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:47:50-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Dissonance - the virtual world and our basic physiological needs - abstract thought and survival necessities
->[-KL - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:48:46-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>why cant i just take an oath
->[-susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:49:05-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>A neat idea for a research project for my students vs. the research paper.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:50:03-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Susan... Agree! ;)
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:50:04-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ some people sign the oth but do not follow it and then complain when network does not work
->[-Ginnysd - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:50:12-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I am so tired of punishing the masses because of 1 or 2 people
->[-susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:51:35-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>My students created something similar to this as part of their 10th grade research project. It was quite a success!
->[-Thill - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:52:05-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>In such a video presentation how does one site recerences?
->[-Gary - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:52:21-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ think that is really cool. Do you have ideas to share?
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:52:38-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>But do we sacrifice the written word in favor of something more flashy?
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:52:54-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>where did she get all her data? Was it accurate?
->[-Mark Haase - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:53:02-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Jason don't think we sacrifice, but we add to what they do. I have my students create a research paper and give a presentation.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:53:40-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Gary - My students put it in the credits- but we used the MLA format. I'm sure that is not quite the way to do it, but it worked for us.
->[-Thill - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:53:41-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Mark question for your students to answer!
->[-Matt - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:53:43-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Mark a teacher, you'd have to check their resources just like you would in a paper.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:54:10-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ Mark - A lot of the info can be found on Global Issues in Context
->[-Thill - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:54:13-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ think we have to use MLA since that is what colleges use and they need to know how to use it.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:54:43-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Ethical use is a topic that we have to teach our children.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:55:16-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ Betz - have ideas to share...will via email
->[-Thill - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:55:30-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:55:51-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Is there a synapsis of the sessions somewhere?
->[-susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:56:37-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Jason.Kurtz@
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:56:41-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I don't know how teachers can teach that way and still enjoy their jobs. I would get so bored. I have to show my excitement to them.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:57:40-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ think he said it would be on his wiki page later.
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:58:05-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>i mean for the sessions today
->[-susan - 6 Jun 2011 - 9:59:10-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Thanks, Mr. Warlick for a great session!
->[-Betz - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:00:15-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I love flickr & use it in the classroom regularly...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:27:20-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>information scarcity v information abundance
->[-Lenclem - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:29:08-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I feel like we are blocked from knowledge sometimes
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:31:42-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>i have tried and tried to get flickr unblocked in SF, nothing!
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:32:29-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@that guy Absolutely, we had that very discussion in the keynote session... It is a cross we have to bear.
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:38:35-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>big cross!!
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:39:37-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>love blogging!
->[-Mary Ellen - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:42:29-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>blogging changed my penpal system
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:43:31-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Is blogging "dead" with students? I have seen statistics that have showed it's decline, dramatically, recently...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:44:26-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Over 10000 tweets, only 106 blog entries... Hmmm...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:46:06-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Jason older students maybe...younger not yet
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:48:13-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Back to the literacy key that we seek truth rather than information.
->[-Lenclem - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:53:34-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>LOL that is deep! Seek truth!
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:54:12-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>truth=information
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:54:30-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@"that" ..I know
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:55:53-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>what was the name of that game?
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:58:07-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Renegade something, right?
->[-Gary - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:59:37-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Red Dead Redemption.... A console Game... Also has a second game, Undead Red Redemption!
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 10:59:59-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Rated M for Mature...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:00:51-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I think I am hooked
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:01:21-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>My students LOVE it... Very deep & involved
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:02:01-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I don't use it in class, obviously... :)
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:02:30-]

Sheldon sold a WofW sword on EBay on Big Bang Theory...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:05:48-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Jason could use it as an extra credit assignment in multiple classes..economics. ss. etc
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:06:18-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@ bought it
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:06:34-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I gave students extra credit for certain Facebook posts just two weeks ago! lol
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:10:11-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>we should start a flash mob next session right here
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:13:22-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>A good friend of mine has this display in his MS classroom......"Wrong answers are acceptable in this classrooom"
->[-donneley kay - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:13:27-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>ready...set...
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:13:49-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>who's in? he would love it. We should just stand up and yell "boogers' or something
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:14:41-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>doodle what?
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:15:50-]

->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:16:07-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Doodlebuzz
->[-Lynn - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:16:28-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Cognitive surplus. Love it!
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:17:28-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>flash mob anyone?
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:18:08-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>we could all get up and do the thriiler dance
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:18:58-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I am definitely not a flash mobber lol
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:19:26-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>@Jason get enough and noone would notice you indvdually
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:20:07-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Lol there are only 4 of us knittering :)
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:21:02-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I'm knittering but don't know the "thriller dance".
->[-Gary - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:22:00-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>ok, flash mob in 10 minutes
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 11:55:54-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Owner of Amazon said it is his personal mission to kill traditional book publishing...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:04:07-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Owner=CEO
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:04:32-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Interesting, I model a lot of things in the classroom, but I MAY not be modeling learning... Hmmmm
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:06:39-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>i love twitter
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:11:47-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>Never used... :( I know...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:12:36-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>you should try it. i read more than i tweet
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:13:49-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I have heard delicious is "dead" because it doesn't allow notation & highlighting like diigo. Just what I heard...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:20:24-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I have delicious, but don't us it often...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:21:08-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>do you bookmark?
->[-"that" guy - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:24:04-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>A little. I tried it on delicious, but it seems a bit of a time waster, with android on my phone, and an iPad, I haven't got into he habit.
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:25:57-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>You can bookmark on igoogle and then you always have your sites with you...
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:28:53-]

<img src='' height='25' align='left'>I am knittering with my iPad right now!!!!! ;)
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:38:07-]

im going to start using second life.
->[-Jason Kurtz - 6 Jun 2011 - 12:51:15-]
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