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Main.21stCenturyLearnersConference History

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Changed lines 1-489 from:
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Added lines 14-15:
I'm sorry I missed that one. I'm very interested and intrigued by these things. I think I might have one myself before year-end. I have a TV remote with a missing backplate. I really need to make one to replace it. - dfw
Changed lines 24-27 from:

Bev Berns Sharing Connected Classroom projects with #21clc13 today. @KidblogDotOrg is one easy tool to use! @KeystoneAEA @aea14 with @JudyGriffinAEA" 4 Oct 2013 - 10:23:31

It is good. But don't mark off Class Blogmeister yet. With less traveling (as I progressively retire from the speaking gig) I'll have more time to feature that blogging tool out. Look for some interesting stuff during the next 12 months. - dfw
Added lines 34-35:
Do you think your students would find this "pretty cool?" - dfw
Added lines 52-53:
And you know, it seems to be when you're demonstrating technology that it resists working. I was still working on the code for this tool as you were walking in. I see now that there are other problems (I had to rewrite a major part of the program) that were caused by my fixes. It's the nature of programming. You fix one thing, and your fix breaks something else. Fun! - dfw
Changed line 55 from:

I\'m thinking yeah I\'m on!


I'm thinking yeah I'm on!

Added lines 66-67:
And so often, some of the best learning happens in the conversations in the halls and during lunch. Remember, "convenient communication" results in learning. - dfw
Added lines 76-77:
Yes! From agriculture to nanotechnology. It makes os bigger. It extends our muscles and our minds. - dfw
Added lines 82-83:
Just in case, - dfw
Added lines 100-101:
I hope that it was! - dfw
Added lines 110-111:
As I said during one of my workshops, I'm seeing more and more of these. Rather than sending ten teachers to a state or national conference, a district or region holds its own, and invites all the teachers. They hire someone from out-of-town to keynote, and then local teachers take care of the rest. Very cool and effective. - dfw
Added lines 132-133:
It's happening already. It's part of our children's 'native' conversation. People think that our children have replaced face-to-face with the network. It's not true. They've used the network to enrich the face-to-face. - dfw
Added lines 138-139:
Lifelong learners are necessary. - dfw
Added lines 144-145:
..or by accident? - dfw
Added lines 150-151:
The complete phrase was, "20th century education was defined by its limits: the walls of the classroom, the covers of the textbook, the confines of the bell schedule. 21st century education must be defined by its lack of limits." - dfw
Added lines 160-161:
Yes! But our forms of state and national assessment still assume information scarcity. They are based on what children have memorized, not what they can find and learn. Info scarcity to abundance is a distinction that needs to be a major part of our greater conversation. - dfw
Changed line 163 from:

What is the Twitter #: for today?


What is the Twitter # for today?

Added lines 170-171:
One way is to model it. Bring content in to the classroom from the Internet, and explain how you find it and what questions you asked to determine its appropriateness. You say and hear often in your classroom, "But how do you know that's true." We stop assuming the validity of the content, and prove its validity. - dfw
Added lines 180-181:
Yes! It's a well kept secret, but that's always been the key. Our children assume that what's in the textbook is always reliable. But we know it isn't. Part of being literate today is being in the habit of asking questions about the answers we find. - dfw
Added lines 186-187:
And this changes a lot about being educated. We don't have to read it all. We just need to be able to find the information that helps us accomplish our goal. There are no more "right" answers. There are lots of good ones. Another problem with hight-stakes testing. - dfw
Added lines 200-201:
This may surprise you, but I would advocate a quarter mile wide and an inch deep. Then you take the extra time to help students pursue their interests a mile deep. In the 21st century, it not what you know that the same as everyone else that brings value to the endeavor. It's what you know that's different. It's also your ability to make yourself an expert on any subject. - dfw
Added lines 222-223:
Better than lifelong learners, I like the phrase learning lifestyle. We need our students graduating with a learning lifestyle. - dfw
Added lines 228-229:
..with a skilled, resourceful and habitual critical eye. - dfw
Added lines 234-235:
An interesting point. It's a redefinition of teaching. Teachers use to be the expert knowers of a topic. Today they should be an expert learner of a topic. - dfw
Added lines 240-241:
Added lines 246-247:
If I were still teaching, I would administer all of my tests in the school's library, and my learners would have access to anything there. - dfw
Added lines 252-253:
There are actually several of these out there now. Teaching kids to program is huge in the edtech community, because it makes them makers and thinkers, and it applies math. After the first afternoon that I spent teaching myself to program, I got on my knees and thanked every algebra teacher I'd ever had. - dfw
Added lines 258-259:
Why do you say "some students." The purpose of Scratch and other tools is not to make everyone a programmer. It's to give them a responsive way to apply math and think procedurally. - dfw
Added lines 268-269:
I would also recommend Tammy's Technology Tips for teachers - - dfw
Added lines 278-279:
Wow, that looks very cool! I've learned something new. - dfw
Added lines 284-285:
As I said, blogging is not about writing. It's about communicating. And isn't that what writing is for. There is so much about education that is artificial, because we've been so limited. With a lack of limits, we can make learning real. - dfw
Added lines 290-291:
Thank you! - dfw
Added lines 300-301:
But coding, by itself, is beautiful. It's building. It's accomplishment. We have professionally designed and manufactured lawn furniture. But many of us still enjoy building an adirondack chair. - dfw
Added lines 306-307:
Education is all about value. It's making people valuable to their communities, their families, their employers, and themselves. Everything that they learn everyday, should enable them to do something that they couldn't do the day before. They should be getting bigger, in their own eyes, every day. - dfw
Added lines 312-313:
We need to help them learn to find and utilize good answers, and be open to their inventing answers that work. That's the way the real world works. It's not that it's right. It's whether is works. - dfw
Added lines 318-319:
We need to get past that. Correct answers are easy. They're easy to teach and assess. Good answers are answers that work. - dfw
Added lines 324-325:
Yes, but I hesitate to apply any one word. It's helping them learn to teach themselves. - dfw
Added lines 330-331:
We don't even have to get them to. It's their nature. We need to invite them to question their way in. Start small. Condition them to ask, "What's that for?" Also invite them to answer and critique each other's answers. - dfw
Added lines 340-341:
Must consider the goal. If it helps you accomplish your goal, then its a good answer. Sometimes, it's because the source is questionable that makes it a good answer. It depends on the goal. - dfw
Added lines 346-347:
Expect learners to exchange knowledge. - dfw
Added lines 352-353:
But whose question is it, ours or theirs. Certainly teacher initiated essential questions are important and useful. But we also need to invite them to ask their own questions, and pursue them and even change the question as they conduct and discuss their research. - dfw
Added lines 362-363:
I'm sorry, but that video is not publicly available. Joyce gave it to me for this particular presentation. - dfw
Added lines 368-369:
What are the goals of this game? What are the rules of this game? How do I use the rules to accomplish the goals? That's an interesting concept. Do our school and classrooms have rules that are intended to be used or to limit. - dfw
Changed lines 378-381 from:

Jenny Conversations while learning helps us retain info better 4 Oct 2013 - 11:48:59

Hey, the only jokes I remember are the ones that I retell within about five minutes. Use to be 30 minutes, but I'm old now! ;-) - dfw
Added lines 384-392:
There are actually six in all. The 'native' learning experience:
1. Is Responsive
2. Provokes Conversation
3. Is Fueled by Questions
4. Builds Identity
5. Inspires Personal Investment
6. Is Guided by Safely-Made Mistakes - dfw
Added lines 409-410:
I like it. There are a lot of these out there. I wonder if it might be possible that students identify what they need to learn better, and select learning tools based on their own reflection. - dfw
Added lines 419-420:
That sounds pretty compelling. The idea occurred to me last night that students be given a card with a QR code that they use to log in to something like Knitter Chat. The teach would program in specific settings based on the card ID, so that one day a child logs in as George Washington, and the next day as Aristotle. - dfw
Added lines 429-430:
Do students serve on your school improvement committees. They need to be involved in these decisions. They are uniquely qualified. They understand today's information environment in a way that most of us don't. They created part of the culture of this environment. - dfw
Added lines 435-436:
Excellent! But I was talking with a friend recently, and he suggested that we should shift from working toward engagement to working for empowerment. - dfw
Added lines 449-450:
I am so excited to hear of so many sessions about engagement and student-centered instruction. Only a few years ago, it was about getting higher text scores. Of course that might be Iowa. ;-) - dfw
Added lines 455-456:
I'm not surprised! - dfw
Added lines 469-470:
Added lines 479-480:
My favorite teacher was Bill Edwards. He was my industrial arts teacher. - dfw
Changed lines 489-491 from:

Tracy Poelzer RT @sbehmer: Here is my info on Chrome in the Classroom! 60 in 60 presentation is linked too! #21clc13" 4 Oct 2013 - 16:33:58

Thanks so much for your contributions to this learning event! - dfw
Deleted line 7:
October 05, 2013, at 04:28 AM EST by -
Added lines 8-9:
October 05, 2013, at 04:27 AM EST by -
Changed lines 8-9 from:

Keystone AEA RT @jmartinhiner: New tech for 3D printing @KeystoneAEA - 3D scanner works great! Ready for the 3D printing presentation at #:21CLC13 ! httpu2026"


Keystone AEA RT @jmartinhiner: New tech for 3D printing @KeystoneAEA - 3D scanner works great! Ready for the 3D printing presentation at #21clc13 ! httpu2026"

Changed line 13 from:

New tech for 3D printing @KeystoneAEA - 3D scanner works great! Ready for the 3D printing presentation at #:21CLC13 !"


New tech for 3D printing @KeystoneAEA - 3D scanner works great! Ready for the 3D printing presentation at #21clc13 !"

Changed line 17 from:

RT @B_Berns: Sharing Connected Classroom projects with #:21CLC13 today. @KidblogDotOrg is one easy tool to use! @KeystoneAEA @aea14 with @Ju2026"


RT @B_Berns: Sharing Connected Classroom projects with #21clc13 today. @KidblogDotOrg is one easy tool to use! @KeystoneAEA @aea14 with @Ju2026"

Changed line 21 from:

Sharing Connected Classroom projects with #:21CLC13 today. @KidblogDotOrg is one easy tool to use! @KeystoneAEA @aea14 with @JudyGriffinAEA"


Sharing Connected Classroom projects with #21clc13 today. @KidblogDotOrg is one easy tool to use! @KeystoneAEA @aea14 with @JudyGriffinAEA"

Changed line 161 from:

Twitter hashtag #:21CLC13


Twitter hashtag #21clc13

Changed line 177 from:
  1. :21CLC13 listening to @dwarlick talk about #:knitterchat"
  1. 21clc13 listening to @dwarlick talk about #:knitterchat"
Changed line 181 from:

Great to be at #:21clc13"


Great to be at #21clc13"

Changed line 185 from:

@jfincel32: 21st century learners need to be life time learners. Best rep of that was my dear friend Mary Paasch. Miss you. #:21clc13"


@jfincel32: 21st century learners need to be life time learners. Best rep of that was my dear friend Mary Paasch. Miss you. #21clc13"

Changed line 193 from:

The key to teaching is to always be a learner. When we stop learning, we have stopped teaching. #:21clc13"


The key to teaching is to always be a learner. When we stop learning, we have stopped teaching. #21clc13"

Changed line 233 from:
  1. :21CLC13 great kickoff to the conference with David Warlick key noting. Looking forward to a great day of learning."
  1. 21clc13 great kickoff to the conference with David Warlick key noting. Looking forward to a great day of learning."
Changed line 237 from:

Listening to David Warlick at the #:21clc13 !"


Listening to David Warlick at the #21clc13 !"

Changed line 245 from:

David Warlick value beyond school is very important. @dwarlick #:21CLC13 #:AIW"


David Warlick value beyond school is very important. @dwarlick #21clc13 #:AIW"

Changed line 261 from:

@dwarlick Get students to question their way to learning. #:21clc13"


@dwarlick Get students to question their way to learning. #21clc13"

Changed line 265 from:
  1. :21CLC13 Condition students to question the content. Hows that for developing critical thinking. @dwarlick"
  1. 21clc13 Condition students to question the content. Hows that for developing critical thinking. @dwarlick"
Changed line 273 from:

Lessons should provoke conversations #:21CLC13 @dwarlick


Lessons should provoke conversations #21clc13 @dwarlick

Changed line 277 from:

Project based learning starts with the driving question and ends with real product with value beyond school @dwarlick #:21CLC13


Project based learning starts with the driving question and ends with real product with value beyond school @dwarlick #21clc13

Changed line 281 from:

Blog notes for the class by students @dwarlick #:21CLC13


Blog notes for the class by students @dwarlick #21clc13

Changed line 285 from:

@Dwarlick would like the PLN Wizard of Oz video link! #:21CLC13


@Dwarlick would like the PLN Wizard of Oz video link! #21clc13

Changed line 289 from:

Kids are using games like Minecraft with no instructions so they are conditioned to question. #:21clc13 #:clarkelearns"


Kids are using games like Minecraft with no instructions so they are conditioned to question. #21clc13 #:clarkelearns"

Changed line 305 from:

Responsive provokes conversation inspires contains value safe to make mistakes @dwarlick #:21CLC13


Responsive provokes conversation inspires contains value safe to make mistakes @dwarlick #21clc13

Changed line 309 from:

RT @mattdix: Attending #:21clc13 ? Come to rm 313 @12:45 worth the time! @TierneyEd"


RT @mattdix: Attending #21clc13 ? Come to rm 313 @12:45 worth the time! @TierneyEd"

Changed line 313 from:

Attending #:21clc13 ? Come to rm 313 @12:45 worth the time! @TierneyEd"


Attending #21clc13 ? Come to rm 313 @12:45 worth the time! @TierneyEd"

Changed line 317 from:

Inspire Personal Investment, responsive, provoking conversation, guided by safely made mistakes.... #:21clc13"


Inspire Personal Investment, responsive, provoking conversation, guided by safely made mistakes.... #21clc13"

Changed line 321 from: great site for iPad apps. #:21clc13"

to: great site for iPad apps. #21clc13"

Changed line 325 from:
  1. :21clc13 @tfeldereman78 Q: Does your staff use twitter for PD and PLN collaboration and how do you facilitate that?"
  1. 21clc13 @tfeldereman78 Q: Does your staff use twitter for PD and PLN collaboration and how do you facilitate that?"
Changed line 329 from:
  1. :21clc13 QR Code session provides endless ways to take learning to the next level."
  1. 21clc13 QR Code session provides endless ways to take learning to the next level."
Changed line 333 from:
  1. :21clc13"
  1. 21clc13"
Changed line 337 from:

RT @mangeroth: Get kids involved when making tech decisions @tfelderman78 #:21clc13"


RT @mangeroth: Get kids involved when making tech decisions @tfelderman78 #21clc13"

Changed line 341 from:

Great presentation on @daivdleevanhorn and Caleb Vanhorn at #:21clc13 A great way to increase engagement!"


Great presentation on @daivdleevanhorn and Caleb Vanhorn at #21clc13 A great way to increase engagement!"

Changed line 345 from:
  1. :21clc13 follow @westhighbros to see what positives can be done with social media! Amazing teens from Iowa City"
  1. 21clc13 follow @westhighbros to see what positives can be done with social media! Amazing teens from Iowa City"
Changed line 349 from:

just saw a cool a cool presentation on everything Google by Ryan Loots: forms, sheets, draw #:clarkelearns #:21clc13"


just saw a cool a cool presentation on everything Google by Ryan Loots: forms, sheets, draw #:clarkelearns #21clc13"

Changed line 357 from:

Full house at my Google Earth session at #:21clc13"


Full house at my Google Earth session at #21clc13"

Changed line 361 from:

Want to learn about how to making your class more student centered? Join @JaySikkink, Mary Schoning, and myself in room 302 at 1:45 #:21clc13"


Want to learn about how to making your class more student centered? Join @JaySikkink, Mary Schoning, and myself in room 302 at 1:45 #21clc13"

Changed line 365 from:

RT @Clarke_TRoff: @t_kedley and @pjmomof3boys Clarke CSD Rock Stars on stage at #:21clc13 #:clarkelearns"


RT @Clarke_TRoff: @t_kedley and @pjmomof3boys Clarke CSD Rock Stars on stage at #21clc13 #:clarkelearns"

Changed line 369 from:

Love the possibilities of Google fusion tables #:21clc13"


Love the possibilities of Google fusion tables #21clc13"

Changed line 373 from:

Learning about Clarity, a way to measure and drive technology decisions and investments, provided by AEA. #:clarkelearns #:21clc13"


Learning about Clarity, a way to measure and drive technology decisions and investments, provided by AEA. #:clarkelearns #21clc13"

Changed line 377 from:

My favorite teacher is Mrs. Olson...hands down! #:21clc13"


My favorite teacher is Mrs. Olson...hands down! #21clc13"

Changed line 381 from:

Picked all the right sessions this year at PD! Can't wait to try some of this stuff, with Administrations approval #:21clc13"


Picked all the right sessions this year at PD! Can't wait to try some of this stuff, with Administrations approval #21clc13"

Changed line 385 from:

Here is my info on Chrome in the Classroom! 60 in 60 presentation is linked too! #:21clc13"


Here is my info on Chrome in the Classroom! 60 in 60 presentation is linked too! #21clc13"

Changed line 389 from:

RT @sbehmer: Here is my info on Chrome in the Classroom! 60 in 60 presentation is linked too! #:21clc13"


RT @sbehmer: Here is my info on Chrome in the Classroom! 60 in 60 presentation is linked too! #21clc13"

October 05, 2013, at 04:23 AM EST by -
Changed line 16 from:

kim powell


October 05, 2013, at 04:21 AM EST by -
Changed line 380 from:




October 05, 2013, at 04:20 AM EST by -
Changed line 176 from:

Angie Hance


Angie Hance

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Andy Peterson


Andy Peterson

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Jessica Fincel


Jessica Fincel

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Randy Bolton


Randy Bolton

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David VanHorn


David VanHorn

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Janice Shanno


Janice Shanno

Changed line 264 from:

Steven Hopper


Steven Hopper

Changed line 288 from:

Paula Reece


Paula Reece

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Tierney Education


Tierney Education

Changed line 312 from:

Matt Dix


Matt Dix

Changed line 316 from:

Avory Kurt


Avory Kurt

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Jennifer Plummer


Jennifer Plummer

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Tom Roff


Tom Roff

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kim antisdel


kim antisdel

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Dana Nally


Dana Nally

Changed line 336 from:

Tim Felderman


Tim Felderman

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Ryan Smith


Ryan Smith

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Patty Morris


Patty Morris

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Jennifer Cross Scott


Jennifer Cross Scott

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Changed line 356 from:

Joni Ehm


Joni Ehm

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Brian Sexton


Brian Sexton

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Becca Kedley


Becca Kedley

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Changed line 376 from:

Karen Guthrie


Karen Guthrie

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Stacy Behmer


Stacy Behmer

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Tracy Poelzer


Tracy Poelzer

October 05, 2013, at 03:58 AM EST by -
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kim powell


kim powell

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Bev Berns


Bev Berns

October 05, 2013, at 03:51 AM EST by -
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Keystone AEA


Keystone AEA

October 05, 2013, at 03:48 AM EST by -
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Jason Martin-Hiner


Jason Martin-Hiner

Changed line 390 from:

4 Oct 2013 - 16:33:58


4 Oct 2013 - 16:33:58

October 05, 2013, at 03:45 AM EST by -
Changed lines 1-390 from:

Future home of Creston backchannel transcript

Added line 1:

Future home of Creston backchannel transcript

Edit - History - Print - Recent Changes - Search
Page last modified on November 24, 2013, at 05:55 AM EST