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Main.CEFPIConference History

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Added lines 81-82:
..and it's because we have all had so much experience with classrooms, teachers and textbooks as our vision of education. I think that part of what we need to do to reflect on how we learn after school, and translate that into environments and pedagogies for 21st century learning. - dfw
Added lines 87-88:
It's a great question, because it is our tendency to default back. Again, the key is to make our mission to educate children into a learning lifestyle -- not to be teachable. Another essential part of this is to some how, facilitate an ongoing and constant conversation about learning in our schools -- creating a learning culture. - dfw
Added lines 93-94:
I have seen her talk on TED Talk and was truly moved. I've long believed that we've been pushing this collaboration thing too hard. It's important, but it's not the only way. I was also intrigued to learn that being an introvert is not really about shyness. It's about how and where you get your energy. - dfw
Added lines 98-99:
Thanks for this, as well. I am excited by this whole maker movement. - dfw
Added lines 14-15:
I'm fairly confident that you didn't have any problems with my southern accent. - dfw
Added lines 28-29:
Yes, but it's beginning to catch on. A lot of teachers are starting to use something called Today's Meet ( - dfw
Added lines 42-43:
Yes, but how do you teach that. It's my opinion that you can't. We won't benefit from people who all solve problems in the same way, as they've been taught. What we'll need are people with unique ways of analyzing situations and invent solutions that work there. I think that students need experiences that provoke them to develop and refine their own techniques and practices. This whole maker movement has a lot of potential in schools, I believe. - dfw
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Changed line 53 from: #:vefp

to: #:vefp

Added lines 60-61:
Added lines 65-71:
I guess that this is a metaphor as well, I've enjoyed learning about pervious concrete. When talking about literacy, I describe how our information environment has become increasingly

  • Networked
  • Digital
  • and Abundant
It seems that designed that leverage the networked, digital and abundant (overwhelming) nature of information makes ceilings and walls more pervious. - dfw

Changed lines 6-76 from:

Future home of the backchannel transcript

Added lines 1-6:
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Page last modified on February 26, 2013, at 08:53 AM EST