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June 28, 2013, at 09:46 AM EST by -
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Here is the transcript of your backchannel conversation for . This is a wiki page. As such, you can edit this page and insert text into the transcript, contining the conversation, as I have done. To edit, click the EDIT link at the top of the page. The password is teacher.


Here is the transcript of your backchannel conversation for . This is a wiki page. As such, you can edit this page and insert text into the transcript, contining the conversation, as I have done. To edit, click the EDIT link at the top of the page. The password is teacher.

Changed line 9 from:

Sarah C.


Sarah C.

Added lines 21-22:
Which I am doing at this moment, in my hotel room in San Antonio, awaiting my flights back to Raleigh. - dfw
Added lines 31-32:
These things usually start out like this. Just putting your toes in the water, so to speak. - dfw
Added lines 37-38:
Hmmm! That a very satisfying compliment. - dfw
Added lines 47-48:
Me too. And I'm glad I was there to speak to you folks. I'm a bit conflicted at my scaling back on my presentations. I so enjoy doing them, believe that it is important, but I have put in my 37 years, and the travel does put more wear and tear on me than it use to. - dfw
Added lines 61-62:
Best spelling I've run across... - dfw
Added lines 71-72:
Hmmm! Not sure what you mean, but I would suggest that technology backs-up learning. Learning comes first, and there for formulae, what I used to think of as the personal key that unlocks "enlightenment" in each student. Technology makes far more keys or formulae possible. - dfw
Added lines 77-78:
It's an interesting observation. My feeling is that backchanneling will cause you to pay somewhat less attention to the presenter. But the benefit of your reflection and sharing of insights makes up for it. It helps to be younger than 34 ;-) - dfw
Added lines 95-96:
I think that we have to define staying current, and I would just a soon not use the term at all, because no one stays current. You do the best that you can and no more. You stay as current as you want to. Aurasma, the tool that layer a video of Pam's name tag was brand new to me just a few days ago, yet it has obviously been around for quite some time. Should I feel guilty? I don't. - dfw
Added lines 101-102:
True! But what's the alternative? For me it was a 1961 set of Comptons Encyclopedias, and my family was lucky, on family on the block with encyclopedias. Again, you do what you can. You learn what you need. - dfw
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In my final keynote, which I'm working on now, I will promote time off line, because it during those times alone with our own thoughts that we are becoming ourselves. However, this is a challenge. You can't say, "you can only spend 2 hours on line." We need a compelling alternative, something that they'd like to spend hours doing. It's one thing that draws me to this maker movement ( Sports is another alternative, though we need to find a way to make sports more inclusive, new sports, or something. I don't know. It's a hard one! - dfw
Added lines 135-136:
No, that's only if you're Tweeting. That tag causes message tweeted to be captured by KnitterChat. - dfw
Added lines 141-142:
I've spoken at conferences with him, and he's pretty good, though not great. He talks about what he talks about in his books. - dfw
Added lines 159-160:
This problem is bigger than we think. Not only do they not have the tech nor the content. But they do not become part of the community. There's power in that community. There's no power in being alone. As I said during a similar conversation at lunch, "This is a national problem." Many countries have assured high speed access to all citizens, because they realized that it was in their nation interests for everyone to have access to today's prevailing information environment. Here, its up to the Telcos and their bottom line. Interestingly, U.S. Telcos promised to connect the entire country by 2008, in return for huge tax cuts. The federal government during those years, didn't hold them to that promise. (I wonder how much in campaign donations that cost.) - dfw
Added lines 165-166:
He was probably using Google Goggles. You take a picture of a thing, and Google can sometimes tell you what it is. I've not found it to be very reliable. But with iconic pictures of people, it might be quite good. - dfw
Added lines 171-172:
The complete quote is, "Literacy today means being in the habit of asking questions about the answers that you find." - dfw
Added lines 181-182:
By the way, Richard Florida considers teaching to be a creative art. - dfw
Added lines 187-188:
Yes. But let's not forget culture and heritage. For people who do not know history, history can be rewritten. - dfw
Added lines 197-198:
The best that we can, acknowledging that there will be problems. We simply solve the problems and move ahead. Many, if not most of the problems related to new technologies are problems of school and classroom management. We can't stop the tech, any more than stone carvers could stop paper. I'm sure they proclaimed, "but what if it catches on fire?" - dfw
Added lines 203-204:
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:-) - dfw
Changed lines 215-218 from:

David Testing Knitter 27 Jun 2013 - 11:19:52

I would add that we keep them safe and empowered. I use to say that the purpose of school is to prepare our children for their future. Now I say that, "The purpose of school is to prepare our children to own their future." - dfw
Added lines 221-222:
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..though I would also look for digital immigrants who are eagerly learning to speak without an accent. - dfw
Added lines 233-234:
Yes, but it's not a new problem. If people want to spend time with each other, then they will. There are those who will escape, but that's not new. - dfw
Added lines 243-244:
I would suggest that it depends on who you buy your tech from. Much of the merchandise I saw at ISTE was geared toward standards and testing, and would perpetuate the silos approach. But one lesson that honest use of technology teaches us is integration. - dfw
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But we have to be willing to consider that they may actually compliment each other. - dfw
Added lines 259-260:
Interesting! I'll have to noodle that. - dfw
Added lines 269-270:
We are all life-long learners. We simply need to recognize it when it happens, and reflect on the skills that our students need to be learning to be effective, resourceful and responsible life-long learners. Again, I like Learning Lifestyle. - dfw
Added lines 291-292:
Now that's a little frightening. - dfw
Added lines 300-302:
Definitely! Thank you all so very much for your participating in this conversation. - dfw
June 28, 2013, at 09:00 AM EST by -
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June 28, 2013, at 08:59 AM EST by -
Changed lines 1-3 from:

Future home for the NSBA Federation of Trainers Conference


NSBA Federation of Trainers Conference Texas Association of School Boards

June 28, 2013, at 08:58 AM EST by -
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June 28, 2013, at 08:57 AM EST by -
Changed lines 1-2 from:

Future home for the NSBA Federation of Trainers Conference


Future home for the NSBA Federation of Trainers Conference

Added line 1:

Future home for the NSBA Federation of Trainers Conference

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Page last modified on June 28, 2013, at 09:46 AM EST