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The Education Revolution
Session 2: What's Right?

My apologies for the archaic coding here. I tried putting this into Wikispaces and some other more sophisticated wikis, but the transcript documents were simply to large.
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The TEDx event was divided into three sessions. Because the transcript was so long, I have divided it into three separate pages.

IGH69 (Ian Harris)

  1. tedxlondon can we really separate value from structure as Ken suggests? Even in pursuit of consensus values arise in context = structure
17 Sep 2011 - 16:50:00

briankotts (brian k) Amen to the world of "and" #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:49:51

create623 (create623) RT @InkPellet: #TEDXlondon Education is not a play thing - so true Ken Spours

17 Sep 2011 - 16:49:45

Adizah_Tejani (Adizah Tejani) @shirleyayres I wish more discussion was part of @tedxlondon. How is the online chatter?

17 Sep 2011 - 16:49:44

katzy (katz kiely) ken spours: On the need 2 build wisdom on experience rather thn the constant reinvention of shiny new wheels #tedxlondon #politicalfootball

17 Sep 2011 - 16:50:24

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Kevin Spours " structures are the main source of conflict in our education system #Number10gov #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:50:18

serawrites (Sera) RT @shirleyayres: Excellent thoughts @KenSpours "We need to distance education from party politics & political whim" #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:50:12

iskandar (Iskandar) Prof. Ken Spours @TEDxLondon - you have my vote for Minister of Education ;)

17 Sep 2011 - 16:50:09

TheRedRobin (Robin Dhara) RT @tedxlondon: Real education revolution in English system will mean seeking agreement n actibg in a very different way #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 16:50:08

springrose12 (Tuba Bauhofer) If Bruce the shark in Nemo can do it, the politicians can do it:) Ken Spours #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:51:06

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett)

  1. TEDxLondon Ken Spours we need an Hippocratic Oath for Education, an ecological one...
17 Sep 2011 - 16:51:00

misskyrasays (kyra choucroun) We need a hippocratic oath for education #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:50:55

allthatkatydid (Katy Robinson) @norwegiancheese @neilgoulder hello! Will be balcony bound at second break for further inspiration. #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:50:43

Ramat_T (Ramat Tejani ) ?@Adizah_Tejani: @shirleyayres I wish more discussion was part of @tedxlondon." < I concur...

17 Sep 2011 - 16:51:47

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Ken Spours pledge is .... we need a hippocratic oath for education, embodied by values #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 16:51:38

isss111 (In�s Silva) RT @misskyrasays: We need a hippocratic oath for education #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:51:33

LauraFensom (Laura Fensom) Ken Spurs spreads his Hippocratic oath for education #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:51:27

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) RT @kconners09: Love the idea in looking at "versus" to "and" - when talking about ed reform #tedxlondon #edtech #edreform

17 Sep 2011 - 16:51:21

MikeMompi (Mike Mompi) RT @misskyrasays: Everybody can think as well as do: it is part of the human condition #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:11

Ygoblin (Gammagoblin) Lets all watch @timexile perform live at the TEDxLondon event @ 18:00GMT 100% impromptu music creation with your sounds

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:08

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) @KenSpours saying we need a hypocratic pledge on #Education - COMPLETELY AGREE! #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:07

TEDxTeen (TEDxTeen) "We need a Hippocratic Oath for education." #educationrevolution @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:00

artpreston (Arthur Preston) "Real leadership is power given away" - Ken Spours - such an important concept! Wow! Good talk this & very applicable in SA #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:51

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) RT @tedxlondon: Ken Spours pledge is .... we need a hippocratic oath for education, embodied by values #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:42

edjallen (Ed J Allen) Not sure about the Ken Spours talk. Sounds extremely vague. Just like a politician ironically. #TEDxLondon.

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:37

AngelaMaiers (Angela Maiers) RT @dwarlick: "Students were deciding what they wanted to do, rather than waiting to be told!" quote from seeper video. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:34

TeacherToolkit (Ross Morrison McGill) RT @royvella: #TEDxLondon First Prezi of the conference! Well done, Sophie. Show those grown ups...throw off the shackles of PowerPoint oppression! ;-)

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:23

ClemensHackl (clemenshackl) RT @BeckySocial: Max Whitby was incredible! I wish my science teacher had taken gulps of funny gas and floated metal boats!! #Tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:27

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) New Liveblog: Professor Ken Spours seeks agreement and an oath #tedxlondon @kenspours

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:25

appbaker (AppBaker) @roundhouseLDN Thank you for supporting #TEDxLondon beautiful venue #TED #TEDx

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:22

Asimhaneef (Asim Haneef) People should agree on values before debating structures - Ken Spours #tedxlondon This is an excellent, thoughtful session.

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:10

EmathsUK (Mark McCourt)

  1. TEDxLondon Great talk from Ken Spours
17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:09

springrose12 (Tuba Bauhofer) If Bruce the shark in Nemo can do it, the politicians can do it:) Keep away from education and give the power away! Ken Spours #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:07

Rick_Hall (Rick_Hall) Ken Spours the Hippocratic oath for ed based on values good pledge Ken #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:52:55

finbarmw (finbarmw) @tedxlondon better second section - more exciting speakers and slides...

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:58

Philip_Flood (Philip Flood) RT @Asimhaneef: People should agree on values before debating structures - Ken Spours #tedxlondon This is an excellent, thoughtful session.

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:57

bobule (bobule) tim exile live right now

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:55

TeacherToolkit (Ross Morrison McGill) @KenSpours Ken. I LOVED your presentation & words at @roundhouseLDN #tedxlondon #TEDxpledge #EducationRevolution #ukedchat

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:53

Robert___Wells (Robert Wells) Does technology or other knowledge transmission,without appreciative inquiry or critical response, lead to meaningful leaning? #Tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:50

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Ken Spours " we have to bring about change in the relationship between education and politics" #number10gov #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:49

katzy (katz kiely) Ken Spours : there wil be no change unless there is a change in the relationship between politicians and educators. So true #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:53:48

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) Now Tim Exile is taking to the stage. #tedxlondon My two passions innovative electronic music & Education in one place!

17 Sep 2011 - 16:54:26

shelleyleejones (Shelley Jones) Education is too important to be used as a political football #TedxLondon #KenSpoars

17 Sep 2011 - 16:54:10

dawnhallybone (dawnhallybone) RT @ewanmcintosh: RT @tedxlondon: Ken Spours says it is too important to be treated as a political football. #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 16:54:09

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) @Adizah_Tejani I think #tedxlondon needs more time for debate. It would be good to have Twitter stream live on stage #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:07

andreakurland (Andrea Kurland, HUCK)

  1. TEDxLondon Ken Spours gets political and makes the most salient point. Zig zagging policies stifle progress.
17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:06

eylanezekiel (eylanezekiel) RT @oliverquinlan: New Liveblog: Professor Ken Spours seeks agreement and an oath #tedxlondon @kenspours

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:01

alvintch (Alvin Tan) Education is too important to be a political football. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:54:58

serawrites (Sera) RT @nancyhunt: RT @TEDxTeen: "Education is too important to be a political football." #educationrevolution @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:54:51

eylanezekiel (eylanezekiel) RT @tonyparkin: RT @tedxlondon: Ken Spours pledge is .... we need a hippocratic oath for education, embodied by values #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 16:54:45

Rick_Hall (Rick_Hall) Tim exile. Too loud man, too loud #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:38

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Ken Spours finishes his stirring speech #TEDxLondon saying that we must change the relationship between education and #politics

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:35

Naace (Naace) RT @janwebb21: #TEDxLondon tech enabling direct experiences through interactive apps - learning thru experiences thT wd be imposs without tech #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:33

dwarlick (David Warlick) Back from lunch, Spicy beanburger with coleslaw and avocado . Yum! What did I miss? #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:30

BeckySocial (Rebecca Hollis) Would anyone be so kind as to let me borrow an #iPhone charger over lunch please? :) @tedxl @tedxlondon @roundhouseLDN #Tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:28

LockSchuppen (LockSchuppen) LIVE on the revolution of education

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:27

lulabellalondon (Lucy White) @mikemompi are you at tedxlondon? Hope to bump into you :)

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:24

victoriagemmill (Victoria Gemmill) Ken Spurs from Uni of London blowing everyone away with the most meaningful talk yet. #Tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:23

vinspired (vinspired official) @brucewilson283 inspiring stuff, and much more to come! #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:20

LippoldLive (RalfLippold) (undisclosure: I am not there, but got info via FB) @fasnix @BetseyMerkel @singularityu

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:17

Asimhaneef (Asim Haneef) Ken Spours : there wil be no change unless there is a change in the relationship between politicians and educators. So true.. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:13

brucewilson283 (BRUCE WILSON) RT @tedxlondon: Ken Spours finishes his stirring speech #TEDxLondon saying that we must change the relationship between education and #politics

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:12

VilmarPellisson (Vilmar at +Hybrid) Tim Exile to kick some tracks now #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:11

shelleyleejones (Shelley Jones) RT @andreakurland: #TEDxLondon Sophie Bosworth from ideas foundation made the most relevant point. Creative industry must step up as a mentoring system.

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:03

IaninSheffield (Ian Guest) Wonder if @jamescross is watching Tim Exile on #TEDxLondon ?

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:55

serawrites (Sera) RT @tiagotcorreia: "Creativity is a cycle" Sophie Bosworth #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:49

Feminist_Inti (feminister) "Good ideas do not simply emerge, they emerge because we create the conditions for them" Ken Spours #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:55:45

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) Ahh, Tim Exile is the Reggie Watts of #TEDtalks. Interesting #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:51

miskellaneous (Clodagh Miskelly) RT @fredgarnett: RT @suebecks: my Mum first and foremost, my kids, peers... Brilliant teaching is about learning conversations #TEDxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:46

roelven (Roel van der Ven) Here we go. #Timexilejam live at #TEDxLondon folks. Send in your sounds to get it played LIVE!

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:44

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @timexile is here on stage right now

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:43

mchirps (Margaret Wright) @kenspours at #TEDxLondon "Education is too important to be a political football." @IOE_London

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:31

MeetTeamAwesome (Team Awesome) OMG what a day for Awesome. Our biggest event yet, one thousand people and an amazing venue! Thank you #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:57:03

AboodiShabi (Aboodi Shabi) RT @tedxlondon: Kevin Spours - good ideas can only happen if we create the conditions for their realisation. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:59

KennethTharp (Kenneth Tharp)

  1. TEDxLondon Prof. Ken Spours: Education is too important to be treated as a political football...we need policies based on evidence
17 Sep 2011 - 16:56:56

Feminist_Inti (feminister) RT @tiagotcorreia: Ahh, Tim Exile is the Reggie Watts of #TEDtalks. Interesting #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 16:57:57

ColinSteed (Colin Steed) RT @happyhenry: RT @KOREuk: "People can talk all day about education but never mention learning" - @SirKenRobinson #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:57:55

Feminist_Inti (feminister) RT @KennethTharp: #TEDxLondon Prof. Ken Spours: Education is too important to be treated as a political football...we need policies based on evidence

17 Sep 2011 - 16:57:47

serawrites (Sera) RT @andreakurland: #TEDxLondon Ken Spours gets political and makes the most salient point. Zig zagging policies stifle progress.

17 Sep 2011 - 16:57:43

tedxlondon (TEDx London) fantastic! @timexile

17 Sep 2011 - 16:57:31

timebomb81 (Helen) RT @bobule: tim exile live right now

17 Sep 2011 - 16:57:29

serawrites (Sera) RT @hmitsch: Ken Spours at #TEDxLondon: Good ideas emerge because we create the conditions for their realization.

17 Sep 2011 - 16:57:25

TheRedRobin (Robin Dhara) @timexile about to rock it @tedxlondon #educationrevolution now! Watch it live

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:26

KennethTharp (Kenneth Tharp)

  1. TEDxLondon Prof. Ken Spours: We need a hippocratic oath for education that embodies our most important values. (cheers from audience)
17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:24

darkejon (Jon Darke ?) Wow. @timexile is awesome #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:17

nidalnidalnidal (Nidal)

  1. tedxlondon @timexile up
17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:15

lesleywprice (Lesley Price) RT @stevedineen would love a retweet for our global virtual school video @tedxlondon ..done!

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:11

hughjames1 (Hugh James) At #TEDxLondon - great speakers with ideas just put in context by ken spours of London Inst of ed - change education from versus to and

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:10

MrMalcontent (Barry Corrigan) Broadcasting via ip@d from #TEDxLondon - loving the camera work on the stream!!!!

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:58

timekord (Martin King) Looking forward to @dougald at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:57

serawrites (Sera) RT @katzy: Ken Spours : there wil be no change unless there is a change in the relationship between politicians and educators. So true #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:56

leahyben (Ben Leahy) @timexile laying down some fat beats in a very cool way at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:54

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @timexile is a producer and performer of electronic music #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:53

kconners09 (Kay Conners) Can ed reform work if we seek agreement in values rather than structures? Interesting concept by Ken Spours at #tedxlondon #edchat #sschat

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:52

vinspired (vinspired official) Mixing it up with samplers and decks. Thanks to tim exile dj extrodinaire. #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:47

serawrites (Sera) RT @Robert___Wells: Does technology or other knowledge transmission,without appreciative inquiry or critical response, lead to meaningful leaning? #Tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:58:42

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) I wonder how many people have been to a rave in the audience here at #tedxlondon ? Reminds me of free parties in east london in 2000 :-)

17 Sep 2011 - 16:59:23

juliecigman (Julie Cigman) RT @Adizah_Tejani: RT @MikeMompi: Education is too important to be treated as a political football @TEDxLondon #TEDx #educationrevolution #TED

17 Sep 2011 - 16:59:12

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) "Education is the most important thing that societies do" @kenspours #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:59:11

e__amato (E. Amato) @tedxlondon @timexile "spontaneity is us" - brilliant

17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:09

EduJourney2011 (EduJourney) The Education Revolution -

17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:08

tedxlondon (TEDx London) RT @kristian: Just heard that @sirkenrobinson is watching us live, all behave now! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:07

suebecks (Sue Beckingham) Must listen to later RT @eyebeams: Audioboo: #TedXLondon interviews #interviews #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:59:57

serawrites (Sera) RT @Asimhaneef: Ken Spours : there wil be no change unless there is a change in the relationship between politicians and educators. So true.. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 16:59:51

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @timexile Multitasking - making music + giving speech. Cool guy!

17 Sep 2011 - 16:59:50

chickensaltash (chickensaltash) RT @leahyben: @timexile laying down some fat beats in a very cool way at #TEDxLondon yep loving it!

17 Sep 2011 - 16:59:48

iskandar (Iskandar) All this education is getting in the way of my learning (apologies to SLC) @TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:32

chickensaltash (chickensaltash)

  1. tedxlondon
17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:30

jonexleylondon (jon exley) Tim Exile on stage. Not sure about the 80s jumper?! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:27

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @timexile is mindblowing #tedxlondon wild mixes

17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:18

lesleywprice (Lesley Price) RT @ColinSteed @happyhenry @KOREuk: "People can talk all day about education but never mention learning" - @SirKenRobinson #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:13

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan)

  1. tedxlondon Tim exile is an amazing improvisor- but now he is involving the audience too!
17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:12

CarlaMays (Carla Mays) RT @shirleyayres: Can students gain credits for joining in the #TEDxLondon debate? Social learning a very important part of education #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:19

bellaale (Alex Bellars) RT @oldavis3: "Education is the most important thing that societies do" @kenspours #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:15

jotigiri (Joti Giri) Tim Exile dropping some serious interactive electronic beat. RoundHouse has just great acoustics. #educationrevolution #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:07

Ramat_T (Ramat Tejani ) Spontaneity is about "us" - Tim Exile @tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:04

philscott61 (Phil Scott) @tedxlondon fantastic jumper, he looks like he should on Rainbow.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:00:50

davidwbeaty (David Beaty) @tedxlondon How is that iPad feeding your video wirelessly? Cool.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:49

bridgetminamore (Bridget Minamore) @DeanAtta this is the guy from #TEDxLondon! @timexile.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:48

tedxlondon (TEDx London)

  1. tedxlondon team are all swaying to @timexile demonstration are you doing the same to? Tweet us if so.
17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:39

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Just heard that @sirkenrobinson is watching us live, all behave now! #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:38

Adizah_Tejani (Adizah Tejani) A DJ @tedxlondon making music with the crowd.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:32

bridgetmck (bridgetmck) Tim Exile making spontaneous music from the sounds made by people in the front row. I hope he works with yg pple #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:02:22

MikeMompi (Mike Mompi) @TimExile Mixing it up massively and providing some superbly co-created beats @TEDxLondon #TEDx #TED #entertainment

17 Sep 2011 - 17:02:13

G_Embroidery (Guerilla Embroidery) Tim Exile is blowing MY mind! #tedxlondon @tedxlondon making live interactive electronic music +awesome

17 Sep 2011 - 17:02:06

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) @timexile must have been the most awesome teenager to hang out with back in the days #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:02:01

iversity (iversity) Does anyone have an iphone charger on them? #tedxlondon if so lets meet left of the stage for the break. Would be much appreciated!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:01:58

tedxlondon (TEDx London) RT @G_Embroidery: Tim Exile is blowing MY mind! #tedxlondon @tedxlondon making live interactive electronic music +awesome

17 Sep 2011 - 17:02:59

russeltarr (russeltarr) Imagine having Tim Exile doing a music workshop at school - awesome! #tedxlondon#EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:02:46

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan)

  1. tedxlondon Tim exile shows that impressive improvisation involves huge technical skill. Creativity takes practice!
17 Sep 2011 - 17:02:39

annabelvere1 (Annabel Vere)

  1. TEDxLondon ubuntu means generosity and being part of a community. I learned this in Zululand.
17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:23

ClemensHackl (clemenshackl) Tim Exile turns #TEDxLondon into a night club. @timexile

17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:21

eyebeams (Leon Cych) At the break in #TedXLondon I met Nicole Charles - despite being really tired she gave a great interview

17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:18

tedxlondon (TEDx London) The truly excellent @timexile live at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:06

ChrisAllmey (Chris Allmey) ?@tedxlondon: Ken Spours pledge is .... we need a hippocratic oath for education, embodied by values #TEDxLondon < what utter nonsense

17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:01

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) Take a look and hear at tim exile - he rocks :-) #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:08

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @EmathsUK everyone is a stakeholder in education #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:56

EBertie (Bert) RT @tedxlondon: Ken Spours " we have to bring about change in the relationship between education and politics" #number10gov <- mans a legend

17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:55

lesleywprice (Lesley Price)

  1. tedxlondon picking up some great back channel on Twitter ...keep up tweets!!
17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:51

MrsPrentice11 (Sarah Prentice) this looks like fun #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:49

TheBakerBros (The Baker Brothers) RT @brucewilson283: @tedxlondon @thebakerbros good to finally get some arts at an event talking so much about the power of the arts

17 Sep 2011 - 17:03:38

TEDxTeen (TEDxTeen) RT @tedxlondon: Just heard that @sirkenrobinson is watching us live, all behave now! #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:41

tedxlondon (TEDx London) RT @SarahLearns: @tedxlondon @timexile Perfect entertainment for today. Love.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:38

Kyle_simon (Kyle Simon) @dwarlick hoping I can see these online somewhere... #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:34

TheBakerBros (The Baker Brothers) RT @tedxlondon: RT @MeetTeamAwesome: @TheBakerBros glad ur enjying @tedxlondon set today! clapping long on the balcony - definitely making work fun! :)

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:32

triches (Tim Riches) Rave on #TEDxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:27

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) Leadership lessons @KenSpours "Real leadership gives power away" #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:20

2amt (2amt) RT @hmitsch: Ken Spours at #TEDxLondon: Good ideas emerge because we create the conditions for their realization. #2amt

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:17

tedxlondon (TEDx London) RT @Adizah_Tejani: A DJ @tedxlondon making music with the crowd.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:07

iskandar (Iskandar) @timexile FUN! GO GO DO IT! MIX ALL THE THINGS! @TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:56

MeetTeamAwesome (Team Awesome) @timexile demonstrating the abilities of music technology to the massive crowd at @tedxlondon and the #educationrevolution what a legend!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:52

marcohamersma (Marco Hamersma) RT @roelven: Here we go. #Timexilejam live at #TEDxLondon folks. Send in your sounds to get it played LIVE!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:04:48

tedxlondon (TEDx London) RT @MeetTeamAwesome: @timexile demonstrating the abilities of music technology to the massive crowd at @tedxlondon and the #educationrevolution what a legend!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:40

susanleahy (Susan Leahy)

  1. tedxlondon #timexile unbelievable sounds!
17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:37

tedxlondon (TEDx London) RT @iskandar: @timexile FUN! GO GO DO IT! MIX ALL THE THINGS! @TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:32

hmitsch (Henrik Mitsch) Tim Exile on stage at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:31

every1speaks (every1speaks) Apparently @sirkenrobinson like phat beats! Tim Exile performance... #Tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:24

SingleStepsBlog (SingleStepsLearning)

  1. tedxlondon loving possibilities of timexile - hello to the person participating on screen from Spain!
17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:13

IGH69 (Ian Harris) Oddly schizophrenic experience Tim live lagging his online self at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:10

lauwailap1 (William Lau) @TimExile is crowdsourcing a live soundtrack from #TEDxLondon and live online! Crikey. The revolution has begun....

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:07

mrdavidmedway (David Medway) Oh our Music Department are going to love this. #timexile #TedxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:58

EmmaLumsdon (Emma Lumsdon)

  1. tedxlondon I am loving the technology on this guy - brilliant!
17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:55

Rick_Hall (Rick_Hall) Tim Exile at #TEDxlondon chaque un a son gout.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:51

BeckySocial (Rebecca Hollis) I want to go out raving now after Tim Exile!! Amazing! #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:05:50

charte (Chris Harte) ?@every1speaks: Apparently @sirkenrobinson like phat beats! Tim Exile performance... #Tedxlondon? @bellaale

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:52

aspirelondon (AspireDesignStudios) Amazing! Tim Exile at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:47

Ciurlionyte (Monika Ciurlionyte) RT @tedxlondon: #TEDxLondon raving with @timexile

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:46

jonexleylondon (jon exley) Tim Exile educating the educators on interaction, engagement and innovation #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:42

ewanmcintosh (Ewan McIntosh) On the chat: "Apparently @SirKenRobinson likes phat" ;-). This is properly crowdsourced live music. 21st Century folk. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:39

suebecks (Sue Beckingham) RT @tedxlondon: @EmathsUK everyone is a stakeholder in education #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:33

tedxlondon (TEDx London)

  1. TEDxLondon raving with @timexile
17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:27

TheAstray (Matt Duncan) @timexile just started off with my octave bass at #tedxlondon AWESOME

17 Sep 2011 - 17:07:24

ChrisAllmey (Chris Allmey) @tedxlondon who funds this organisation?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:07:15

jennsander (jennsander) Tim Exile just brought the energy I need to get me through the day @tedxlondon @richardlai at #educationrevolution, really enjoyed that!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:07:01

ianwallman (Ian Wallman)

  1. timexile... Awesome #tedxlondon
17 Sep 2011 - 17:07:00

Darcy1968 (Darcy Moore) RT @ewanmcintosh: On the chat: "Apparently @SirKenRobinson likes phat" ;-). This is properly crowdsourced live music. 21st Century folk. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:06:58

JimmyKyriacou (Jimmy Kyriacou ) Great to see thhe power of Electronic Music kicking ass here! @timexile live at #TEDxLondon @SoundCloud

17 Sep 2011 - 17:08:29

MrMalcontent (Barry Corrigan) Would it be possible to turn off the chat feature for Primary school children #TEDxLondon #minimiserisk

17 Sep 2011 - 17:08:13

create623 (create623) RT @jonexleylondon: Tim Exile educating the educators on interaction, engagement and innovation #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:08:02

jackieschneider (jackie schneider) RT @lauwailap1: @TimExile is crowdsourcing a live soundtrack from #TEDxLondon and live online! Crikey. The revolution has begun....

17 Sep 2011 - 17:07:46

ewanmcintosh (Ewan McIntosh) RT @tonyparkin: #TEDxLondon ... great watching people on the Livestream chat at TimExile.TV get excited as they hear Tim using their bass line or sounds

17 Sep 2011 - 17:07:40

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) check this out !!! You should send in your waaaarrrggg @BebopVox #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:07:35

misskyrasays (kyra choucroun) The house is alive here @tedxlondon with @timexile making music with live collaboration. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:09:11

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) Ahahahah @TimExile looking for a business partner: great way to find investors! #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:09:00

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire) Watching live. Theme: Education Revolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:08:56

Fair_Nick (Nick Fair) @ChrisAllmey @tedxlondon Us: the audience!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:08:52

vinspired (vinspired official) Meeting up with some past and present YAB in the next break. What are they making of the #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution ?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:08:49

TEDxLyon (TEDxLyon) RT @marthawright: Tim Exile doing live improv electro music using crowd sourced sounds while online audience watches #awesome #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:08:48

rework365 (Juhana Lampinen) RT @shirleyayres: Leadership lessons @KenSpours "Real leadership gives power away" #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:09:52

SingleStepsBlog (SingleStepsLearning)

  1. tedxlondon Tim obviously loves his job - his passion is completely infectious!
17 Sep 2011 - 17:09:51

LauraFensom (Laura Fensom) Tim Exile is a musical genius at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:09:45

shiv53 (Shiv Rajendran) Amazing real time, collaborative, music composition by @timexile #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:09:40

stuartpollard (Stuart Pollard) @amishaghadiali @tedxlondon @roundhouseldn @timexile anyone else want Tim in school on Monday morning?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:23

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire) @tedxlondon watching live from new zealand - 5AM here!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:20

nataliepoole (nataliepoole) ?@TheAstray: @timexile just started off with my octave bass at #tedxlondon AWESOME? truly truly awesome! Congrats :))

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:15

Yukihiro123 (Yukihiro Nagayama) That sounds nice!! RT @AboodiShabi: RT @tedxlondon: Carmel McConnell talks about Magic Breakfast feeding 6000 primary school children...

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:10

ewanmcintosh (Ewan McIntosh) RT @TheAstray: @timexile just started off with my octave bass at #tedxlondon AWESOME

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:03

triches (Tim Riches) RT @SingleStepsBlog: #tedxlondon Tim obviously loves his job - his passion is completely infectious!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:09:55

ClemensHackl (clemenshackl)

  1. TEDxLondon Tim Exile QR Code @timexile
17 Sep 2011 - 17:11:00

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) ?Prepare students for a career they enjoy and not just endure? #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:57

katzy (katz kiely) Love that #TimExile thing - uploaded samples to site - live mixing - risky business but hooooj fun...what was the URL btw ?? #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:50

BeckySocial (Rebecca Hollis) Still need an iPhone charger in the next break. Can anyone help please? #Tedxlondon @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:49

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) Thinking it would be great to have a panel debate with speakers taking questions from Twitter at #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:46

ChrisAllmey (Chris Allmey) ?@oldavis3: "Education is the most important thing that societies do" @kenspours #TEDxLondon? < oh for gods sake is that supposed to be new?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:45

litmanlive (michael litman)

  1. TEDxLondon @timexile bringing the rave to the roundhouse.
17 Sep 2011 - 17:10:40

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett) My #TEDxLondon pledge is to change the relationship between education & politics. Can only be done by creating #participative democracy

17 Sep 2011 - 17:11:31

VilmarPellisson (Vilmar at +Hybrid)

  1. timexile cld be a longer set. Really energetic #TEDxLondon
17 Sep 2011 - 17:11:08

juannietogarcia (Juan Nieto) siguelo en vivo The Education Revolution - Live Stream @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:11:02

sotnasaras (Sara Santos) RT @oldavis3: ?Prepare students for a career they enjoy and not just endure? #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:11:59

stevegisby (Steve Gisby) @TimExile being utterly brilliant with spontaneous electronic music at #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:11:48

laurabillings (Laura Billings) @timexile rocking the roundhouse at #tedxlondon Awesome!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:12:26

bellaale (Alex Bellars) RT @ClemensHackl: #TEDxLondon Tim Exile QR Code @timexile

17 Sep 2011 - 17:12:09

OnlineMarketeer (Patrick Petersen) RT @litmanlive: #TEDxLondon @timexile bringing the rave to the roundhouse.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:13:13

artpreston (Arthur Preston) Just caught a glimpse of Visual Tweets at #TEDxLondon - well done @russeltarr for your suggestion!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:12:47

iamluca (Luca Massaro) Big guy 10 rows from the front in the middle. You have the most annoying loud laugh & you need to shut up while people present. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:12:44

allthatkatydid (Katy Robinson) Loved @oldavis3 #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution on the big screen just now. Will find and RT

17 Sep 2011 - 17:12:42

ChrisAllmey (Chris Allmey) ?@tedxlondon: #TEDxLondon raving with @timexile? < twerp

17 Sep 2011 - 17:13:46

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) I agree @fredgarnett changing the relationship between education & politics needs #participative democracy #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:13:51

alvintch (Alvin Tan) Making music collaboratively online! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:14:31

serawrites (Sera) RT @alvintch: Making music collaboratively online! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:15:21

paddlefast (Jesse Phillips)

  1. Tedxlondon wonder what everyone is thinking about parents and their part to play in this revolutionary process...??
17 Sep 2011 - 17:15:10

springrose12 (Tuba Bauhofer) Thank you #TEDxLondon I watched many talented educators live tonight & found the opportunity to follow them on #Twitter #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:15:38

russeltarr (russeltarr) Visible Tweets of #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution to stimulate discussion during the break

17 Sep 2011 - 17:15:37

Slashrain15 (Selena Hills)

  1. TEDxLondon #Np #thismorning #EpicFail #InstantFollowBack ? #AutoFollowBack ? #200ADAY ? #500ADAY ? #1000ADAY ? #TeamFollowBack ??
17 Sep 2011 - 17:15:36

MrMalcontent (Barry Corrigan) Away to lie down in darkened room and be creative...

  1. tedxlondon
17 Sep 2011 - 17:15:31

jennsander (jennsander) @ChrisAllmey TEDxLondon is self funded......any ideas?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:16:27

ethinking (Pete Yeomans) @oliverquinlan #tedxlondon creativity comes after mastery of a discipline

17 Sep 2011 - 17:16:04

Ciurlionyte (Monika Ciurlionyte) RT @springrose12: Thank you #TEDxLondon I watched many talented educators live tonight & found the opportunity to follow them on #Twitter #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:17:02

serawrites (Sera) RT @russeltarr: Visible Tweets of #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution to stimulate discussion during the break

17 Sep 2011 - 17:17:46

whymandesign (ed Can help eg @Webiversity @fredgarnett: My #TEDxLondon pledge is to change the relationship between #education (cont)

17 Sep 2011 - 17:18:44

johnmayo (John Heffernan) @fboss are you following #tedxlondon some excellent stuff so far

17 Sep 2011 - 17:19:20

KiuSum (Kiu Sum) RT @vinspired: Technology is a tool, use it to create and make. Be agile, keep improving. Let the learners help. #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:21:46

BentleyIdeas (Adrian Bentley) Lots of free badges downstairs at the cloakroom! #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:21:45

charte (Chris Harte) TEDxlondon supergroup @ewanmcintosh drums @DavidPriceOBE keys @charte geetar @timexile phat beats - any producers out there?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:23:10

roelven (Roel van der Ven) Live #Timexilejam recorded at #TEDxLondon is already on:

17 Sep 2011 - 17:23:26

ambrouk (amber thomas) Hey #tedxlondon #educationrevolution check out the #jisc mobile learning infokit:

17 Sep 2011 - 17:25:20

AnnWalkerWEA (Ann Walker) RT @shirleyayres: RT @tedxlondon: #educationrevolution has to be about radical commitment to improve learning, says @SirKenRobinson #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:24:12

appbaker (AppBaker) @evangrant you can post all videos to the #TEDxLondon App. Hope your event is going well! #TED #TEDx

17 Sep 2011 - 17:24:10

akowatch (Amber Kowatch) ?@triches: People can talk all day about education but never mention learning #tedxlondon? So true, so sad!

17 Sep 2011 - 17:23:55

josepicardo (Jos� Picardo) Wishing I were able to be in two places at once so I could see @ewanmcintosh and @chickensaltash at #tedxlondon and meet up with a few peeps

17 Sep 2011 - 17:25:40

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) RT @ambrouk: Hey #tedxlondon check out the #jisc mobile learning infokit: #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:26:19

EleD22 (Eleftherios D) RT @roelven: Live #Timexilejam recorded at #TEDxLondon is already on:

17 Sep 2011 - 17:26:06

davidwees (davidwees) Up to 100 viewers on our #TEDxKidsBC @LiveStream channel! Join us. #tedxkidsbc #edchat #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:28:03

AnnWalkerWEA (Ann Walker) @shirleyayres Thanks for your tweets today about education and for sharing a thought-provoking debate #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:29:05

tweetpmo (P Mo) RT @davidwees: Up to 100 viewers on our #TEDxKidsBC @LiveStream channel! Join us. #tedxkidsbc #edchat #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:29:39

HSirhan (Hamid Sirhan) Nice to meet @iamluca and @litmanlive with @tobeconfirmed at #Tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:29:32

AlexDMitchell (Alex Mitchell) ?@vinspired: Geoff stead - Mobile learning: an agent for change. #EducationRevolution @tedxlondon?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:31:19

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) @AnnWalkerWEA my pleasure but think the missing element at #tedxlondon is live debate between speakers & audience #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:31:53

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) AGREE! @shirleyayres: @AnnWalkerWEA think the missing element at #tedxlondon is live debate between speakers & audience #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:33:45

AlexDMitchell (Alex Mitchell) 100% agree --> ?@tedxlondon: Sophie Bosworth: Supporting vocational training as she believes graduates are "ill prepared" @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 17:33:17

AlexDMitchell (Alex Mitchell) ?@tedxlondon: Real education revolution in English system will mean seeking agreement & acting in a very different way @roundhouseLDN?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:34:34

isss111 (In�s Silva) RT @tiagotcorreia: AGREE! @shirleyayres: @AnnWalkerWEA think the missing element at #tedxlondon is live debate between speakers & audience #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:34:30

johnmayo (John Heffernan) Does anyone know what time will #tedxlondon finish up at? Have a 30th birthday to go to tonight

17 Sep 2011 - 17:34:26

MorganHPhillips (Morgan Hope Phillips) I quite like books and having conversations with people in the same room as me. Is that ok? #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:36:35

nancyhunt (Nancy Hunt) Not TED format. RT @tiagotcorreia: AGREE! @shirleyayres: @AnnWalkerWEA missing element at #tedxlondon is live debate bet. speaker & audience

17 Sep 2011 - 17:36:42

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) RT @ethinking: @oliverquinlan #tedxlondon creativity comes after mastery of a discipline >> often, not always, but very often.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:37:49

JinnyWorks (Jinny Christiansen) Geoff Stead was highlight of 2nd session for me: let your students make, create, construct #educationrevolution #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:38:35

triches (Tim Riches) Do check out @teachitso link to pedagogy @teachitso (top right) #educationrevolution #TEDxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:39:19

interdevel (Luis Molina) RT @SirKenRobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Some great talks so far and more to come (better link):

17 Sep 2011 - 17:40:31

MrFatChance (Nathaniel Cole) Innov8 seems fantastic @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:40:22

johnmayo (John Heffernan) @SirKenRobinson on a tea break at the moment #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:40:15

erringreg (E Gregory) RT @davidwees Up to 100 viewers on our #TEDxKidsBC @LiveStream channel! Join us. #tedxkidsbc #edchat #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:41:00

rscapin (Rafael Scapin, Ph.D.) Visible Tweets: #TEDxLondon 2011

17 Sep 2011 - 17:40:36

pollycasb (pollycasb)

  1. tedxlondon (@ Roundhouse w/ 6 others) [pic]:
17 Sep 2011 - 17:42:27

mistergough (Simon Gough) RT @shirleyayres: @AnnWalkerWEA my pleasure but think the missing element at #tedxlondon is live debate between speakers & audience #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:43:07

petejbell (Pete Bell) Madpad=great app for ipad that lets kids explore the kind of music tech creativity displayed by @timexile today #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:42:52

lindacq (Linda Casta�eda) trying to listening to this RT @SirKenRobinson TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now

17 Sep 2011 - 17:44:26

dajbelshaw (Doug Belshaw) @jennifermjones @ewanmcintosh Indeed, but ironic that speakers complain of Victorian education system... to people sat in rows. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:44:20

giodonaldson (Giovanni Donaldson) Inspiring talks @tedxlondon on the #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:44:40

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) @antoniogbo Good gamers have great resilience and tenacity-great "skills" for learners #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:44:28

BebopVox (BebopVox) @shiv53 @JessieDriscoll sounds like you guys are getting some great motivational fuel today at #Tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:45:25

drkellypage (Kelly Page) RT @triches: Do check out @teachitso link to pedagogy @teachitso (top right) #educationrevolution #TEDxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:45:17

antoniogbo (Antonio) Question: Can "common sense" be taught? Please let me know if you know how! #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:45:09

drkeevil (Steven Keevil) Just appeared on the big screen at #tedxlondon surprised. Did my ego world of good.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:46:02

piersyoung (piersyoung)

  1. Tedxlondon underwhelming. All a bit nebulous and flag burning. Depressingly little passion
17 Sep 2011 - 17:45:38

annefay (Anne Fay) Max Whitby particularly inspiring at #tedxlondon. If I had a science teacher like him I could well be working in a lab instead of a museum.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:46:36

foxburg (tony fox) RT @russeltarr: Particularly looking forward to hearing from @ewanmcintosh in the next section of #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:47:35

helena_chari (helena chari) ?@SirKenRobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Some great talks so far and more to come:

17 Sep 2011 - 17:47:20

russeltarr (russeltarr) Particularly looking forward to hearing from @ewanmcintosh in the next section of #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:47:15

Pierrakakis (Kyriakos Pierrakakis) RT @helena_chari: ?@SirKenRobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Some great talks so far and more to come:

17 Sep 2011 - 17:48:23

EmathsUK (Mark McCourt)

  1. TEDxLondon making me feel very old and very short :-/
17 Sep 2011 - 17:49:21

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) RT @HamishJenkinson: #tedxlondon the revolution will not be televised! It will be streamed straight to a class room near you! @tedtalks

17 Sep 2011 - 17:49:55

HamishJenkinson (Hamish Jenkinson)

  1. tedxlondon the revolution will not be televised! It will be streamed straight to a class room near you! @tedtalks
17 Sep 2011 - 17:49:33

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) @antoniogbo See Gaming for Education and Social Good page of Teaching w/ #TED #educationrevolution #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:51:27

web20education (#edtech20 project)

  1. edtech20 #pln join now The #Education #Revolution - Live Stream #TEDxLondon #tedx #edchat #slang11 #ukedchat #ntchat
17 Sep 2011 - 17:52:06

pgmast (Peter Masters) @antoniogbo only if you can form a shared understanding of "common" sense... #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:52:29

kevinmerkley (Kevin Merkley) Adam Roberts Questions Assessment #tedxlondon | Oliver Quinlan: Live Blogs via @creativetallis | @scoopit

17 Sep 2011 - 17:53:21

JessicaKausen (Jessica Kausen) @Historypin @tedtalks @tedxlondon congrats! That us incredible! Go Nick! He deserves the spotlight.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:52:52

robl (Rob Lowcock) Brilliant talk from Ken Spours on "Versus or and" #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:53:51

apirzadaa (Aymar Pirzada) RT @Asimhaneef: Inspirational historical mapping which can pull communities together to share history. History pin - pretty amazing #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:53:36

jamestinman (jamestinman) @iampetes hi! Good and random to see you @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:53:30

serawrites (Sera) RT @jackiegerstein: @antoniogbo Good gamers have great resilience and tenacity-great "skills" for learners #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:54:12

colindotdavies (colin davies) The flavoured drink in my #tedxlondon bag is Multi-V ... O the irony! But the final session will prove me wrong I hope

17 Sep 2011 - 17:53:58

dknights (Richard Knights) Meeting some awesome people at #TEDxLondon and there is lots of buzz about #pearsoninnov8

17 Sep 2011 - 17:54:57

serawrites (Sera) RT @JinnyWorks: Geoff Stead was highlight of 2nd session for me: let your students make, create, construct #educationrevolution #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:54:55

twinkelmans (Tim Winkelmans) Or flip between that (#tedxkidsbc) and this: The #Education #Revolution - Live Stream #TEDxLondon #tedx

17 Sep 2011 - 17:55:35

jsteensig (jakob steensig) Education Revolution live fra London... NU

17 Sep 2011 - 17:56:06

paperwerksart (kim printz) RT @twinkelmans: Or flip between that (#tedxkidsbc) and this: The #Education #Revolution - Live Stream #TEDxLondon #tedx

17 Sep 2011 - 17:56:02

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) Very cool #tedxlondon is coming back to livestream in a minute #edchat #breltchat

17 Sep 2011 - 17:55:44

iAmPeteS (Pete) @jamestinman big up for norwich folk at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 17:56:28

tonyparkin (Tony Parkin) Erotic fantasies broken by #TEDxLondon playing James Bond themes... and to think I thought I had problems with a fantasy life #notgoodchoice

17 Sep 2011 - 17:57:14

russeltarr (russeltarr) "Live and Let die" a rather curious background track for the livestream of #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution !

17 Sep 2011 - 17:56:48

nancyhunt (Nancy Hunt) What is the song playing now on @tedxlondon live stream? #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:57:21

DerekDeGear (Derek NDTA) RT @sbeleznay: Watching TedX London. Sir Ken live.

17 Sep 2011 - 17:58:13

leahyben (Ben Leahy) Looking forward to @ewanmcintosh at #TEDxLondon been a blast so far, lots of good minds at work here

17 Sep 2011 - 17:58:12

russeltarr (russeltarr) Any good ideas for relevant background songs for the #tedxlondon live stream?

17 Sep 2011 - 17:59:27

artpreston (Arthur Preston) RT @russeltarr: "Live and Let die" a rather curious background track for the livestream of #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution !

17 Sep 2011 - 17:59:25

dajbelshaw (Doug Belshaw) RT @leahyben: Looking forward to @ewanmcintosh at #TEDxLondon been a blast so far, lots of good minds at work here

17 Sep 2011 - 17:59:15

ryepez3 (raul yepez)

17 Sep 2011 - 17:59:08

TEDxLyon (TEDxLyon) 3�me et derni�re session va commencer, encore 5 speakers � venir + call to action. #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 17:59:58

supernova7 (Tegy Thomas) RT @SirKenRobinson: TEDxLondon, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Some great talks so far (better link):"

17 Sep 2011 - 17:59:56

tlmoyle (Tara Moyle) @drkeevil Re. "like to get/give" card--sounds cool--in one of the lectures? Sounds like great event. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:00:21

sofiaqt (sofiaqt) A bit disappointed at #TEDxLondon Talks ok but I was expecting a more specific debate. Too generic Passion and challenging ideas are missing

17 Sep 2011 - 18:00:20

tonyparkin (Tony Parkin) RT @russeltarr: Any good ideas for relevant background songs for the #tedxlondon live stream? < The Age of Aquarius? :)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:01:32

nickstew_art (Nick Stewart)

  1. tedxlondon - religiious revival meeting meets California-dream aesthetics. Techno fantasists need #collapsonomics
17 Sep 2011 - 18:01:15

JonnyZander (Jonny Zander) @dougald here it is:

17 Sep 2011 - 18:02:15

EmmaLWarren (Emma Warren) RT @CelesteLiveMag: Lots of teachers are saying that they cannot work in the way they want to #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:02:13

richmondshakes (richmondshakes) Looking for a livestream of #TEDxLondon viewable on iPad. #Suggestions, please?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:02:08

jonexleylondon (jon exley) Some intelligent people here... lots of ideas being debated. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:01:56

dougald (Dougald Hine) RT @SirKenRobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Some great talks so far and more to come:

17 Sep 2011 - 18:02:52

SarahLearns (Sarah Bailey) @RachelSwinburne Good to meet you! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:02:30

springrose12 (Tuba Bauhofer) RT @tedxlondon: Session three is about to start #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:03:20

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Session three is about to start #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:03:08

jennsander (jennsander) Making a paper airplane @tedxlondon with cool

17 Sep 2011 - 18:03:00

dougald (Dougald Hine) RT @JonnyZander @dougald here it is: <- thanks!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:03:55

prlowe91 (Pam Lowe) Watching TEDx London.. Love it!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:04:32

sbyrakis (Stelios Sbyrakis) ?????? ??? ???????? ??? ????? ??????? TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:04:30

alkarim (Alkarim Nasser) @tyturnbull in a great way - enjoy #TEDxLondon!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:04:23

gmudge (gmudge) RT @richmondshakes: Looking for a livestream of #TEDxLondon viewable on iPad. #Suggestions, please?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:04:13

arabellajames (Arabella James) Break-time mission complete! @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:04:12

mauricespecht (maurice specht) RT @dougald TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Some great talks so far and more to come:

17 Sep 2011 - 18:05:05

CAPSCyyc (CAPSC) via @SirKenRobinson Livestream TEDX London: Education Revolution #abed #yyc #yycbe

17 Sep 2011 - 18:04:58

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Introducing Steve Munday... our host for the final session.... he is passionate about creativity! #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:04:55

krusnof (Kristian Kruse) Boom #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:04:42

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) @BebopVox @shiv53 yep for sure and some great hook ups at #tedxlondon ! Wish you were here !

17 Sep 2011 - 18:05:40

springrose12 (Tuba Bauhofer) RT @tedxlondon Introducing Steve Munday... our host for the final session.... he is passionate about creativity! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:05:38

TEDxTeen (TEDxTeen) RT @tedxlondon: Introducing Steve Munday... our host for the final session.... he is passionate about creativi? (cont)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:05:31

lianefredericks (liane fredericks)

  1. tedxlondon "spontaneity is about us" "creativity is a pedal it" "a job that speaks to who I am" science is magic :)
17 Sep 2011 - 18:06:12

SingleStepsBlog (SingleStepsLearning)

  1. tedxlondon great in depth discussion about learning, creativity, education etc etc during the break - good to meet you Nick
17 Sep 2011 - 18:06:06

inthetoon (inthetoon) RT @shirleyayres: I agree @fredgarnett changing the relationship between education & politics needs #participative democracy #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:06:02

writerswriting (anna smith) via @elemveee: RT @triches: Ppl can talk all day about education but never mention learning #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:05:59

create623 (create623) Starting the final session at #tedxlondon! Are you watching online?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:05:57

Rick_Hall (Rick_Hall) Looking forward to cheering for @emilycummins in session 3 @tedxlondon #tedxlondon11 hear it for the #creativesparks

17 Sep 2011 - 18:05:43

Katie_Chaps (Katie Chapman) I fear my iPhone may not last until the end of #TEDxLondon - cannot wait to give a big shout for @emilycummins coming up soon!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:06:32

antoniogbo (Antonio) Peter Drucker said: When a subject becomes totally obsolete we make it a required course #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:06:29

litmanlive (michael litman) @tobeconfirmed how about after the last #TEDxLondon session

17 Sep 2011 - 18:06:22

gb_Lucas (Gabriel Lucas) RT @SirKenRobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Some great talks so far and more to come:

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:21

eylanezekiel (eylanezekiel) RT @fredgarnett: My #TEDxLondon pledge is to change the relationship between education & politics. Can only be done by creating #participative democracy

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:13

AnnhGarland (Ann Garland) RT tedxlondon TEDx London Session three is about to start #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN It has started! third round,

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:10

TedxSalford (TEDx Salford) Watch 'The Education Revolution' @ TEDxLondon Live NOW!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:06:57

charte (Chris Harte) @timexile is my new hero #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:06:51

misskyrasays (kyra choucroun) Just ran into @MikeMompi at #TEDxLondon - happy encounters

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:54

teknicsand (Sandeep Kelvadi) Trying to watch the live streaming of #TEDxLondon Bad stream! Too much buffering

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:38

nataliepoole (nataliepoole) RT @Rick_Hall: Looking forward to cheering for @emilycummins in session 3 @tedxlondon #tedxlondon11 hear it for the #creativesparks

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:35

iversity (iversity) charged up and back online thanks to the friendly tech people @ #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:33

martasalafont (marta sala font) RT @charte: @timexile is my new hero #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:32

nitramagrum (Jes�s Mart�n Murga) Ejemplo tweets del evento #educationrevolution #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:07:23

dwarlick (David Warlick) So is that Bjork the tennis star? ;-) #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:08:02

huntgathertweet (Jenny Reina) RT @SirKenRobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Some great talks so far and more to come:

17 Sep 2011 - 18:08:59

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @snibbe is here as the next speaker. He is working along Bjork on her Biophilia project. #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:08:44

danicar (Danica Radovanovic) The Education Revolution - Live Stream of #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:08:41

benfeitoria (Benfeitoria) TEDxLondon acontecendo neste momento. Acompanhe ao vivo as palestras sobre revolu��o na educa��o!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:09:32

RobertBeardGB (Robert Beard) @tedxlondon Excellent speech by #Hillary Clinton making the economic case for empowering #women worldwide:

17 Sep 2011 - 18:11:04

TEDxLyon (TEDxLyon) RT @tedxlondon: @snibbe is here as the next speaker. He is working along Bjork on her Biophilia project. #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:10:51

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett)

  1. TEDxlondon just bought the Bubble Harp app from the iPad store made by Scott Snibbe. So I get to be Bjork now :)
17 Sep 2011 - 18:11:43

Asimhaneef (Asim Haneef) RT @nickstew_art: #tedxlondon - religiious revival meeting meets California-dream aesthetics. Techno fantasists need #collapsonomics

17 Sep 2011 - 18:11:40

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) Interactive art -- -"bubble harp" and more @snibbe #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:11:32

sotnasaras (Sara Santos) Bubble Harp app by Scott Snibbe @Snibbe #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:11:27

dorlyneto (NETO, Dorly) RT @benfeitoria: TEDxLondon acontecendo neste momento. Acompanhe ao vivo as palestras sobre revolu��o na educa��o!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:11:24

Rick_Hall (Rick_Hall) Love iPad apps that combine sound and visuals. Bloom by Brian Eno is another app to look out for. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:12:08

Miss_RKrueger (Rachel Krueger)

  1. TEDXLondon, the Education Revolution streaming live now Who else is watching?
17 Sep 2011 - 18:12:06

JobinaTwig (Jobina Twig) "A lot of us have forgotten that Maths was invented to model nature"- Scott Snibbe at #TEDxLondon #mathchat

17 Sep 2011 - 18:12:03

dwarlick (David Warlick) Oh that Bjork! ;-) I have that app... Beautiful.

  1. TEDxLondon
17 Sep 2011 - 18:11:59

DavidPriceOBE (David Price)

  1. tedxlondon 3rd session - more this an ed or tech event?
17 Sep 2011 - 18:11:58

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) Hearing about Bj�rk: Biophilia #edapps #mlearing educationrevolution #TEDxLondon
17 Sep 2011 - 18:12:15

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) Music = Sound + Curiosity #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:13:30

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) RT @jackiegerstein: Music = Sound + Curiosity #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:13:48

dougald (Dougald Hine) @pernillaseverso Here you go -

17 Sep 2011 - 18:13:47

gmudge (gmudge) @Rick_Hall Any suggestions for trying to watch #TEDxLondon on just such an iPad? #Flashwoes.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:13:40

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) Music = Sound + Generosity #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:14:27

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @snibbe talks about Bjork being fed up with formal way of came up with abstract type of music..which is spontaneous. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:14:58

russeltarr (russeltarr)

  1. tedxlondon seems to be focusing on an #educationrevolution centered on technology. Is that the only possibility?
17 Sep 2011 - 18:14:54

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett) Bjorks biophilia (music is sound+generosity) was premiered in #Manchester (video) #TEDxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:14:49

JimmyKyriacou (Jimmy Kyriacou ) Absolutely pushing boundaries of Music tech @snibbe demoing the app he created for Bjork on her Biophilia project #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:14:48

rscapin (Rafael Scapin, Ph.D.) @teachingtammy TEDxLondon livestream working fine in Montreal.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:15:39

lemino (Or-Tal Kiriati) Nothing it more annoying than watching a livestream demoing a music app that doesnt stream!!! #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:15:28

litmanlive (michael litman) The different paths of education #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:16:11

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) Biophilia is just the best iPad app and music idea into one ever made! #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:16:03

jonexleylondon (jon exley) Bjork Biophillia app is amazing #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:15:47

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett) @eylanezekiel Try RunCoCo And @georgeroberts for help in Oxford #TEDxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:16:52

katzy (katz kiely) Scott Sneebe: math was invented 2 model nature .. talking about Bjorks Biophillia inteactive album #tedxlondon #amazing

17 Sep 2011 - 18:16:21

engineroom_lee (Lee Sommerville) Bjorks new awesome iPad showcased at #tedxlondon very cool indeed

17 Sep 2011 - 18:16:59

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) Music is evolving to a place where you do not need to know how to play the piano to create music: just be curious! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:17:50

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Are you watching @snibbe ? How are you all finding it? #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:17:35

jamestinman (jamestinman) @evangrant and yet how is it about revolutionising education in the way @SirKenRobinson & many others of us feel is so needed? #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:18:18

suklaa (Suklaa) ?@tedxlondon: Are you watching @snibbe ? How are you all finding it? #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN? Amazing!!!!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:18:35

janwebb21 (Jan Webb) RT @tiagotcorreia: Music is evolving to a place where you do not need to know how to play the piano to create music: just be curious! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:18:34

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) New Liveblog: Tim Exile creatively collaborates #tedxlondon @timexile

17 Sep 2011 - 18:19:29

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire) Watching live stream of TEDxLondon - Education Revolution (blog post)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:19:20

every1speaks (every1speaks) RT @tiagotcorreia: Biophilia is just the best iPad app and music idea into one ever made! #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:19:18

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan)

  1. tedxlondon Putting these apps into the education sphere might be the kiss of death for them! (why is that I wonder??)
17 Sep 2011 - 18:20:14

colindotdavies (colin davies) Great @snibbe saves the dat at @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:19:56

dansell_ (Dan Ansell) Some of the upcoming apps within biophilia are incredible. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:19:48

petejbell (Pete Bell) Scott Snibe demonstrating beautiful Biophilia from Bjork (with added David Attenborough!) #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:19:45

BeckySocial (Rebecca Hollis) RT @oliverquinlan: New Liveblog: Tim Exile creatively collaborates #tedxlondon @timexile

17 Sep 2011 - 18:20:48

tonyparkin (Tony Parkin) RT @every1speaks: RT @tiagotcorreia: Biophilia is just the best iPad app and music idea into one ever made! #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:20:17

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) True that lots of things tagged educational miss the wonder and the mystery of the natural world #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:12

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire) Watching live stream of TEDxLondon - Education Revolution (blog post)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:10

JimmyKyriacou (Jimmy Kyriacou ) This guy @snibbe has blown me away with the demo of his music apps. Mixing science and nature with music tech.Just amazing! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:09

eyebeams (Leon Cych) now have loads of Vox pops from #TedxLondon will upload them later on lots of great responses

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:06

katzy (katz kiely) great meeting you @snibbe --hate you use the word but that was in fact #awesome ! impressed i am #tedxlondon #gooutandmakeit

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:04

suebecks (Sue Beckingham) Also working with Bjork to visualise music RT @oldavis3: Interactive art -"bubble harp" and more @snibbe #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:02

arabellajames (Arabella James) Education misses the wonder, poetry and magic of the natural world @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:01

janwebb21 (Jan Webb) I do like the idea of using music to truck us into learning about science! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:54

DarrylLoy (Darryl Loy) Are we in an education bubble? Does the cost of education exceed its value?? #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:41

misskyrasays (kyra choucroun) Continue creating art that tricks people into learning about science #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:40

amishaghadiali (Amisha Ghadiali) Having been lucky enough to see @bjork perform #biophilia live,interesting to hear @snibbe explain the apps #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:36

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett)

  1. TEDxLondon Wow, who knew? A preview of Bjorks Biophilia iPad apps album. Wonderful stuff...
17 Sep 2011 - 18:21:33

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) ?@janwebb21: I do like the idea of using music to truck us into learning about science! #TEDxLondon? Should we need to be trucked into it?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:27

darkejon (Jon Darke ?) Inspiring stuff from @snibble with his music exploration apps at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:26

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Brilliant talk by @snibbe .. Thank you! :)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:25

dwarlick (David Warlick) iPad apps will be "..the fragments of the explosion of the education bubble." Scott Snibbe #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:21

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan)

  1. tedxlondon I feel old skool here with an actual laptop- so many mobile devices...
17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:07

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @snibbe pledge to continue making art that tricks people into learning about science #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:04

BeckySocial (Rebecca Hollis) RT @misskyrasays: Continue creating art that tricks people into learning about science #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:03

SingleStepsBlog (SingleStepsLearning) @marthawright app is bjork: biophilia just downloaded it whilst listening to Scott snibes #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:23:02

jsteensig (jakob steensig) Er man ikke i byen, hygger med fam. S� de med her: Ogs� hvis man hygger..:-)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:23:00

KennethTharp (Kenneth Tharp)

  1. TEDxLondon Scott Snibe (works with Bjork) pledges to continue to create art that tricks people into learning about science.(cheers)
17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:59

jheil65 (jeffery heil) RT @dwarlick: iPad apps will be ".the fragments of the explosion of the education bubble." Scott Snibbe #TEDxLondon #ed422 #jccstech #usdedu

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:52

thisismyclone (Henry Auget) @CarlosFontecha you shoud really check this out si no estas haciendo nada hoy

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:36

andreagamson (andrea gamson) Pretty impressive stuff at #tedxLondon. Bjork releasing album as an ipad app first, each track you can deconstruct and play with/create

17 Sep 2011 - 18:22:33

blethers (Christine McIntosh) Watching @ewanmcintosh on #TEDxLondon livestream.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:23:34

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Steve Munday now introduces No Tosh LTD founder @ewanmcintosh as the next speaker #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:23:25

erevenko (EvaLewucha) RT @tedxlondon: Are you watching @snibbe ? How are you all finding it? #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:23:11

misskyrasays (kyra choucroun) RT @dwarlick: iPad apps will be "..the fragments of the explosion of the education bubble." Scott Snibbe #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:23:09

colindotdavies (colin davies) I thought @snibbe was low-key and brilliant at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:24:08

jackieschneider (jackie schneider) RT @russeltarr: Last talk = interesting, but more of an extended advert than a genuine contribution to the debate... #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:24:02

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) RT @blethers: Watching @ewanmcintosh on #TEDxLondon livestream.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:24:01

fathersplus (Fathers Plus) RT @andreagamson: Pretty impressive stuff at #tedxLondon. Bjork releasing album as an ipad app first, each track you can deconstruct and play with/create

17 Sep 2011 - 18:24:00

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) Ewan MacIntosh what did you make at school today - livestreaming now #edchat

17 Sep 2011 - 18:23:58

tonyparkin (Tony Parkin) @ewanmcintosh up at TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:23:50

andreagamson (andrea gamson) With @farazosman, @iambjay and the @LiveMagUK crew and @andre_campbell from #sola at #TedxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:24:29

TEDxPune (TEDxPune) Houseful!!! Webcast of @TEDxLondon at #TEDxPune , #India !!!!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:24:22

sammycornflake (Samuel Dickinson) Steve Munday and Gazza - separated at birth? #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:25:17

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) Anyone else having "choppy" steaming from #TEDxLondon ?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:25:02

OlafLewitz (Olaf Lewitz) RT @geoffcwatts: Ready for @tedxlondon to start. Would like that screen in my lounge #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:24:50

tonyparkin (Tony Parkin) RT @oliverquinlan: #tedxlondon I feel old skool here with an actual laptop - so many mobile devices...

17 Sep 2011 - 18:24:47

janwebb21 (Jan Webb) @oliverquinlan tricked maybe not the term but using a relevant/current context makes science VERy real!!!! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:25:43

charte (Chris Harte)

  1. TEDxLondon @ewanmcintosh need a generation of problem finders as well as problem solvers
17 Sep 2011 - 18:25:32

hetlportal (HETL Portal) RT @suebecks: Also working with Bjork to visualise music RT @oldavis3: Interactive art -"bubble harp" and more @snibbe #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:25:18

suklaa (Suklaa) We need people to be problem finders @ewanmcintosh #tedxlondon #educadtionrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:22

soundcube (jon adams) RT @KennethTharp: #TEDxLondon Scott Snibe (works with Bjork) pledges to continue to create art that tricks people into learning about science.(cheers)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:21

prlowe91 (Pam Lowe) Ewan McDonald: We need problem-finders, not problem solvers: #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:19

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) Need to ask learners to find problems and then be able to go out with their peers to solve these problems @ewanmcintosh #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:17

vinspired (vinspired official) Talking opportunities at #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution with @mattjhutchings @Esceulus @nidalnidalnidal @roxysham

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:05

janwebb21 (Jan Webb) RT @charte: #TEDxLondon @ewanmcintosh need a generation of problem finders as well as problem solvers

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:03

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @ewanmcintosh ~ young people should go into the world finding probs that need solving, NOT solving fake probs set by teachers #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:54

ReillyDow (Reilly Dow) watching @ewanmcintosh on the #tedxlondon live stream #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:50

iambjay (Bjay Mulenga) Inspirational moments with @andreagamson @farazosman @LiveMagUK @andre_campbell #TedxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:38

TEDxTeen (TEDxTeen) "We are neglecting problem finders..." -Ewan McIntosh #educationrevolution @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:37

pgow (Peter Gow) "Look for problem FINDERS"--not just people who can solve "canned problems" @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:33

bridgetmck (bridgetmck) Ewan Macintosh says we need children to find (vital) problems not give them fake problems to solve. Indeed. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:31

sotnasaras (Sara Santos) Spot on! Ewan McIntosh "we need problem finders" not solvers of artificial problems created by teachers #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:26:29

jheil65 (jeffery heil) Ewan McIntosh "we need problem finders" not solvers of artificial problems created by teachers #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon #usdedu

17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:27

nancyhunt (Nancy Hunt) RT @lsqualls: Students should be problem finders - finding and solving real problems. #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:17

Ramat_T (Ramat Tejani ) Problem Finders is what we need to nurture, not problem solvers...! - Ewan McIntosh #educationrevolution @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:13

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) RT @tedxlondon: @ewanmcintosh ~ young people should go into the world finding probs that need solving, NOT solving fake probs set by teachers #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:11

qui_oui (Melonie Fullick) Ewan McIntosh: We need young people who are "problem-finders". [I agree with that.] #TEDx #education

17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:09

lsqualls (Lorie Squalls) Students should be problem finders - finding and solving real problems. #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:08

AspireTrust (Aspire Trust) @tedxlondon @snibbe @roundhouseLDN are all TED speakers apart from Goldie - White and non-disabled?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:03

Roxy_Sham (Roxy Shamsolmaali) RT @TEDxTeen: "We are neglecting problem finders..." -Ewan McIntosh #educationrevolution @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:01

TEDxPune (TEDxPune) Thanks to all who joined webcast of @TEDxLondon . Amazing response #TEDx #Pune #London #Education #Revolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:51

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire) Scott Snibbe - Teaching science through art. on Bj�rk: Biophila (App Album)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:50

fathersplus (Fathers Plus)

  1. TEDxLondon how to create problem silvers..get the kids to go Find real life problems to solve. Promote divergent thinking
17 Sep 2011 - 18:27:49

Darcy1968 (Darcy Moore) @ewanmcintosh live at @tedxlondon check out some visible tweets #EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:21

russeltarr (russeltarr) Enjoing the @ewanmcintosh talk - a refreshing focus on genuine pedagogy rather than gadgets #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:14

tonyparkin (Tony Parkin) RT @oldavis3: Anyone else having "choppy" steaming from #TEDxLondon ? < nope,smooth and steady for me

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:10

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Children should do the hard work of learning NOT the teacher @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:08

geoffcwatts (Geoff Watts) "go and find a problem that needs solving and I will facilitate helping you solve it" #TEDxLondon @ewanmcintosh

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:05

Rolfster (Richard Harrison) Loving the @ewanmcintosh part of #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:03

fathersplus (Fathers Plus) RT @fathersplus: #TEDxLondon how to create problem solvers..get the kids to go Find real life problems to solve. Promote divergent thinking

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:49

vinspired (vinspired official) Scott snibbe - bjork and attenborough. Winning combination. Art and science. #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:47

suklaa (Suklaa) RT @bridgetmck: Ewan Macintosh says we need children to find (vital) problems not give them fake problems to solve. Indeed. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:46

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @ewanmcintosh "Students should be problem finders - finding and solving real problems" #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:28:42

hughjames1 (Hugh James) @ewanmcintosh we need to shift emphasis from problem solvers to problem finders #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:40

artpreston (Arthur Preston) Children should be doing the hard work of learning, not the teacher. @ewanmcintosh Brilliant - a long overdue message! #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:34

dwarlick (David Warlick) "Students have to learn to do the work of the teaching!" Ewan McIntosh #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:30

kconners09 (Kay Conners) Remove teacher from learning - Ss should be doing the hard work, the work of the teachers. @ewanmcintosh #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:28

Roxy_Sham (Roxy Shamsolmaali) "@vinspired:Talking ops at #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution with @mattjhutchings @Esceulus @nidalnidalnidal @Roxy_Sham"

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:25

CrankParent (Morag Davidson) Live Stream - TEDxLondon // Get rid of teachers and let kids solve real world problems for themselves. :-)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:20

TeacherCast (Jeffrey Bradbury) Top story: Live Stream - TEDxLondon, see more

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:14

DavidPriceOBE (David Price)

  1. tedxlondon Hold the front page..@ewanmacintosh is talking about pedagogy! And learning... Better late than never
17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:15

springrose12 (Tuba Bauhofer) RT @tedxlondon: Children should do the hard work of learning NOT the teacher @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:14

AntonioDomingo (Antonio Domingo) RT @sirkenrobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now (better link):

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:13

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) Divergent thinking from school in sunderland a mini tedx run by 7 and 8 years olds - do babies have a secret language ? Lol !! #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:10

Roxy_Sham (Roxy Shamsolmaali) RT @vinspired: Talking opportunities at #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution with @mattjhutchings @Esceulus @nidalnidalnidal @roxysham

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:59

prlowe91 (Pam Lowe) Oops! Meant Ewan McIntosh.. lol not Ewan McDonald: We need problem-finders, not problem solvers: #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:29:57

russeltarr (russeltarr) @ewanmcintosh is coming up with some great ideas for a "problem finding curriculum" #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:53

lsqualls (Lorie Squalls) RT @russeltarr: Enjoing the @ewanmcintosh talk - a refreshing focus on genuine pedagogy rather than gadgets #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:52

vinspired (vinspired official) Ewan mcintosh - knows some 7 yr olds who put on their own #tedtalk. Power to the little people! #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:44

arabellajames (Arabella James) Shout out : we are on the hunt for problem finders @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:43

jackieschneider (jackie schneider) Now this is more like it! First useful suggestion of the day #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:42

kconners09 (Kay Conners) We need to create a generation of problem finders - #tedxlondon #sschat #edchat

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:38

charte (Chris Harte) Design thinking process? Who is doing the thinking? #TEDxLondon @ewanmcintosh

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:37

Rolfster (Richard Harrison) Love the idea of having a #tedxlondon for our students. Thanks @ewanmcintosh

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:36

AlexDMitchell (Alex Mitchell) ?@vinspired: Talking opportunities at @tedxlondon with @mattjhutchings @Esceulus @nidalnidalnidal @roxysham

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:35

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) The world needs a generation of problem-finders! @ewanmcintosh #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:30:34

tiagotcorreia (Tiago T. Correia) Best pledge ever at #TEDxLondon by @ewanmcintosh on #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:23

bridgetmck (bridgetmck) He wants to engage 10k kids before xmas to be engaged in problem finding. Wants your help. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:22

sotnasaras (Sara Santos)

  1. educationrevolution #TEDxLondon
17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:19

mansfieldboy (Philip Ball) RT @jheil65: Ewan McIntosh "we need problem finders" not solvers of artificial problems created by teachers #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon #usdedu

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:17

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Final section of @tedxlondon #educationrevolution. Thanks for all the support - keep up the tweeting everyone.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:04

petejbell (Pete Bell) @ewanmcintosh shares concerns over Problem Based Learning being about solving artificial problems&promotes Problem Finding #pbl #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:58

vinspired (vinspired official) Ewan mcintosh - more divergent thought please! With a little bit of convergence at the end! #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:57

fathersplus (Fathers Plus) We need problem finders more than problem solvers - Children should do the hard work of learning NOT the teacher @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:56

dwarlick (David Warlick) McIntosh wants to see a problem finding curriculum! #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:55

islayian (islayian) @ewanmcintosh Well done Came across well #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:53

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) Anyone know when and where #TEDxLondon presentations will be available online?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:31:52

mjmontagne (Matt Montagne ?) @ewanmcintosh just knocked it out of the park. "We need a generation of problem finders." #TEDxLondon #fb

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:30

SarahLearns (Sarah Bailey) Right with you on Problem Finding! @ewanmcintosh #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:29

kconners09 (Kay Conners) @ewanmcintosh nailed it. We need "problem finding curriculum" - #tedxlondon #edreform #edchat #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:27

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) Love birdboxes funny #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:25

jennygaylor (Jenny Gaylor) Brilliant talk from @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon ..... Love the idea of holding A TEDx conference with our students

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:22

Roxy_Sham (Roxy Shamsolmaali) "@vinspired:Talking ops at #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution w/ @mattjhutchings @Esceulus @nidalnidalnidal @Roxy_Sham"

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:21

WeAreFamilyFdtn (WeAreFamilyFdtn) @ewanmcintosh We have a whole global group of teens who will participate #educationrevolution @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:18

JobinaTwig (Jobina Twig) RT @MrMalcontent: I say it again, @ewanmcintosh is a top bloke! #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:17

suebecks (Sue Beckingham) RT @charte: #TEDxLondon @ewanmcintosh need a generation of problem finders as well as problem solvers - solve real life problems

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:12

sbeleznay (Shelley Beleznay) Ewan McIntosh: need problem-finders not problem-solvers (of pseudo-problems).

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:07

yujiLY (Yuji Kosugi) RT @marthawright: Great inspiring talk by @ewanmcintosh about nurturing a generation of problem finders, not problem solvers #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:05

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett)

  1. TEDxLondon @ewanmacintosh I think the Craft of Teaching is a way of taking divergent learning to the learner
17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:55

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) BLC 11 Big Take-Away? Problem-finding is the Next Big Thing @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:54

blethers (Christine McIntosh) Good, good talk, @ewanmcintosh at #TedxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:42

martasalafont (marta sala font) RT @tiagotcorreia: The world needs a generation of problem-finders! @ewanmcintosh #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:32:38

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) yes, well problem finding brings with it innovation #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:30

litmanlive (michael litman) RT @tedxlondon: Brilliant and inspiring words from @ewanmcintosh ... Thank You! #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:29

lisosa (Lisandro Sosa) RT @AntonioDomingo RT @sirkenrobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now (better link):

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:25

legolady (emma creighton) Really great talk by @ewanmcintosh at #TEDxLondon Encouraging a problem finding curriculum...brilliant!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:22

KennethTharp (Kenneth Tharp)

  1. TEDxLondon Dr Ewan Mckintoch: We need more divergent learning (plus a little convergent). The world needs a generation of problem finders.
17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:19

katzy (katz kiely) really happy 2b working with @ewanmcintosh on the meta-conference, inviting 10K+ global kids 2 join the #ITUworld11 conversation #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:18

tmsaue1 (Thomas Sauer) Great challenge for standards obsessed US RT @dwarlick: McIntosh wants to see a problem finding curriculum! #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:17

mreakin (Rob Eakin) "Who works hardest in your classroom, your students, or you?" @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:13

umphrey (Michael L. Umphrey) @kconners09 #tedxlondon #edreform #edchat #educationrevolution What we need is defense against blather.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:13

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) RT @tedxlondon: Emily Cummins is talking about her grandfather who inspired her into sustainable designs when he gifted her a hammer as a gift #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:09

profpaulgately (Prof Paul Gately) Think Emily Cummings is up soon at #TEDxLondon cannot watch as in Crete !

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:58

umphrey (Michael L. Umphrey) @kconners09 #tedxlondon #edreform #edchat #educationrevolution The touble is not in finding problems. The trouble is in recognizing truth.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:54

every1speaks (every1speaks) RT @bridgetmck: @ewanmcintosh wants to engage 10k kids before xmas to be engaged in problem finding. Wants your help. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:33:53

robeakin (Rob Eakin) "We need problem-finders, not problem-solvers:" @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:42

AbhiSuryawanshi (Abhishek Suryawanshi) @TEDxPune Thanks to al who joined webcast of @TEDxLondon . Amazing response #TEDx #Pune #London #Education #Revolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:40

nancyhunt (Nancy Hunt) RT @shirleyayres: "we need problem finders who can solve real problems" @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:34

TheWestWingman (Dr David Hall) RT @fathersplus: We need problem finders more than problem solvers - Children should do the hard work of learning NOT the teacher @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:32

mjmontagne (Matt Montagne ?) Bring back the wood shops, metal labs, auto-tech shops, classroom kitchens! #TEDxLondon #reallearning

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:27

bonitadee (Bonita DeAmicis) Educators! If you have a single big education question that you constantly explore, what is it? #edchat #ukedchat #tedxlondon #edtech

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:26

amishaghadiali (Amisha Ghadiali) Great to run into you gorgeous @AliciaLix #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:23

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) "We underestimate how quickly youth learn" @emilycummins #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:17

umphrey (Michael L. Umphrey) @bonitadee What is truth? #edchat #ukedchat #tedxlondon #edtech and What is worth believing? What is worth admiring? What is worth choosing?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:10

janwebb21 (Jan Webb) We underestimate how fast our children learn via Emily cummins #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:06

legolady (emma creighton) Would love to be at #TEDxLondon but great to be able to watch it online!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:03

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) @umphrey the problem is the curriculum designers #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:34:57

Rick_Hall (Rick_Hall) @emilycummins using tools. Here are year 6 pupils spot welding w Tim Hunkin #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:49

mreakin (Rob Eakin) "We need problem-finders, not problem-solvers." @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:44

AlexDMitchell (Alex Mitchell) @vinspired @roundhouseldn @tedxlondon No sadly watching from afar. But sounds like great event. Education & employability crucial at moment.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:39

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Emily Cummins - a complete inspiration. Only 24 and already changing the world!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:37

tedxlondon (TEDx London) We underestimate our young people .. afterall children teach their parents to text on phone, etc ~Emily Cummins #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:35

suebecks (Sue Beckingham) Great example of kids creating their own TEDx conference by @ewanmcintosh - they gave talks on problems that needed solving #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:31

every1speaks (every1speaks) Layton from #tedxkidssland is an editors pick on TEDx site... Have a look! #Tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:29

JobinaTwig (Jobina Twig) RT @janwebb21: We underestimate how fast our children learn via Emily cummins #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:27

lsqualls (Lorie Squalls) Do we underestimate how quickly children learn the basics skills of technology? Emily Cummins #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:24

lucypaw (Harriet Vane) RT @Feminist_Inti: "Lets educate this generation to find worthwhile problems to solve, rather than how to solve pseudo problems" Ewan McIntosh #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:28

artpreston (Arthur Preston) RT @russeltarr: @ewanmcintosh - great stuff - no gadgets, no gimmickry, just bloody good ideas. More of this, please! #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:19

DavidPriceOBE (David Price)

  1. tedxlondon ewan macintosh gives a great presentation.Problem finding is more rewarding than solving fake problems
17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:18

jennsander (jennsander) RT @tedxlondon: We underestimate our young people .. afterall children teach their parents to text on phone, etc ~Emily Cummins #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:16

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) Great section from @ewanmcintosh. The inspiration we need, the ideas how to do it, the examples that it works. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:14

mjmontagne (Matt Montagne ?) My problem with such a heavy focus on computer technology in schools is that we are losing out on the ability to create in 3D #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:08

philscott61 (Phil Scott) This is a real issues with secondary education, a number of my peers underestimate the potential of students to learn #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:07

whiteafrican (Erik Hersman) Missing it live, but tuning into #TEDxLondon via livestream:

17 Sep 2011 - 18:35:59

ramonbez (Ramon Pedrollo Bez) RT @jackiegerstein BLC 11 Big Take-Away? Problem-finding is the Next Big Thing @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:37:01

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) @mjmontagne 3d is technology, don�t understand #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:57

oswald808 (Curtis James) RT @huntgathertweet: RT @tedxlondon: @ewanmcintosh "Students should be problem finders - finding and solving real problems" #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:55

TheRedRobin (Robin Dhara) RT @DavidPriceOBE: #tedxlondon ewan macintosh gives a great presentation.Problem finding is more rewarding than solving fake problems

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:54

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) @emilycummins speaking now on #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:48

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) "Customer (student) attention is the key to success -- lose your customers (students) with boredom" @emilycummins #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:40

amishaghadiali (Amisha Ghadiali) RT @suebecks: Great example of kids creating their own TEDx conference by @ewanmcintosh - they gave talks on problems that needed solving #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:36

piersyoung (piersyoung)

  1. tedxlondon hooray for @ewanmacintosh
17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:31

janwebb21 (Jan Webb) RT @tmsaue1: Great challenge for standards obsessed US RT @dwarlick: McIntosh wants to see a problem finding curriculum! #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:36:30

Johnmcintosh (Johnmcintosh) @ewanmcintosh Excellent focus and presentation. Like the content. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:37:22

JOHNSAYERS (JOHN SAYERS) problem finding bingo calling selection. Let students add to the problem box and then select a problem from it during assembly #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:37:03

AspireTrust (Aspire Trust) @tedxlondon did you really just tweet that last comment?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:37:57

iversity (iversity) @Tedxlyon found a charger. but we should still meet up! :) #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:37:53

NaturaLadErikah (Erikah) RT @mark_mcguire2011Scott Snibbe - Teaching science through art. on Bj�rk: Biophila (App A...

17 Sep 2011 - 18:37:38

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) education to the next level! viva internet #EducationRevolution at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:38:30

jessicazrl (Jessica Lehmann) couple of personal favorites demonstrating how YP see dull problems in a unique way #TEDxLondon @tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:38:08

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire)

  1. TEDxLondon Emily Cummins (Inventor, role model) #edchat #highered
17 Sep 2011 - 18:39:03

philscott61 (Phil Scott) Emily Cummings is a real inspiration, this is education in action #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:38:55

janwebb21 (Jan Webb) ?@tedxlondon: Emily Cummins - a complete inspiration. Only 24 and already changing the world!? #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:38:54

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) RT @ssstofff: education to the next level! viva internet #EducationRevolution at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:38:46

JobinaTwig (Jobina Twig) This is what James Dyson is on about- technology competitions spurring outstanding (young!) inventors like Emily Cummins #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:38:45

jennygaylor (Jenny Gaylor) One word ..... Amazing! Emily Cummins #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:39:42

sotnasaras (Sara Santos) Emily Cummins is amazing! What an inspiration! #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:39:31

briankotts (brian k) "We need a generation of problem finders." ~ @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:39:28

PaulKGoddard (Paul Goddard) Design & technology in schools tell kids to design the same product using the same materials #nocreativity #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:39:20

Jack_Beaman (Fusion Universal) RT @stevedineen: "learning at the speed of your own potential" is a key impact that technology can have on education #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:39:19

drkeevil (Steven Keevil) Emily Cummins a truly inspirational speaker. #tedxlondon #EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:21

creativetallis (Thomas Tallis School)

  1. TEDxLondon Emily Cummins talking about the value of tinkering as learning. An amazing talk full of passion asking us to trust young people
17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:20

Rick_Hall (Rick_Hall) Big promise from @emilycummins #TEDxLondon to ignite the spark of creativity and fan the flames with the wind of inspiration.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:16

karpul (Ed ) RT @whiteafrican: Missing it live, but tuning into #TEDxLondon via livestream:

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:14

amishaghadiali (Amisha Ghadiali) Nice one @emilycummins - love your story #tedxlondon #SWTC

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:11

tonyparkin (Tony Parkin) Emily Cummings showing that if you get given a hammer when you are 4, not everything will always look like a nail... #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:09

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) "Tap into the one thing that every student has buckets of ?. Imagination? @EmilyCummins #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:06

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) nice Emily, courageous #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:04

sotnasaras (Sara Santos) ?@tedxlondon: Emily Cummins created a sustainable fridge ideal for developing countries and used in Africa.? an idea for YSC @rigb_science?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:53

lsqualls (Lorie Squalls) Ignite creativity...share our fire with other people...inspire young people! Emily Cummins #educationrevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:52

TEDxTeen (TEDxTeen) Extraordinary young woman - inspiring inventor, passionate human being, Emily Cummins @tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:45

iRajneekant (?Rajnikant Khalkho ?) RT @tedxpune: Thanks to all who joined webcast of @tedxlondon . Amazing response #TEDx #Pune #London...

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:44

AspireTrust (Aspire Trust) @tedxlondon Emily is "one of the top ten outstanding people in the world?" You wonder why education is in crisis with that kind of remark?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:39

lemino (Or-Tal Kiriati) Emily Cummins a teenage entrepreneur, a female one, done it in spite of archaic ed system #EducationRevolution #ChangeTheRation #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:36

royvella (Roy Vella)

  1. TEDxLondon Another Prezi from the next generation... go Emily! What a fridge. Inspirational.
17 Sep 2011 - 18:40:34

philscott61 (Phil Scott) RT @tedxlondon: Emily Cummins created a sustainable fridge ideal for developing countries and used in Africa. All while at school #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:28

vinspired (vinspired official) Emily cummins created a sustainable fridge now used in Africa. She was at school & put ideas into action. #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:16

geoffcwatts (Geoff Watts) RT @oldavis3: "Tap into the one thing that every student has buckets of ?. Imagination? @EmilyCummins #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:11

bonitadee (Bonita DeAmicis) @umphrey Funny, ur great questions for school+learning. I was thinking "smaller" and just edu-related. #edchat #ukedchat #tedxlondon #edtech

17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:08

colindotdavies (colin davies) OMG @thoughtful_ have deserted me at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:06

sofiaqt (sofiaqt)

  1. TEDxLondon brilliant talk by Emily Cummings.
17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:05

BobToms100 (BobToms) RT @tonyparkin: Emily Cummings showing that if u get given a hammer when you are 4, not everything will always look like a nail #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:04

KennethTharp (Kenneth Tharp)

  1. TEDxLondon Emily Cummings: Take fresh, bright inquisitive minds and mix them with boredom.We underestimate just how quickly children learn
17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:06

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) yes this is a truth for many innovators I think they�re bored by highered #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:01

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) MT @lemino: @emilycummins a teenage entrepreneur who has done it in spite of our archaic ed system #tedxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:00

dawnhallybone (dawnhallybone) RT @tonyparkin: Emily Cummings showing that if you get given a hammer when you are 4, not everything will always look like a nail... #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:57

Miss_RKrueger (Rachel Krueger) @emilycummins is a real inspiration, this is education in action #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:41:52

creativetallis (Thomas Tallis School) RT @briankotts: "We need a generation of problem finders." ~ @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:38

TEDxLyon (TEDxLyon) Talk inspir� de la jeune inventrice @emilycummins. #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:20

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett) @SophieBosworth great talk Sophie at #tedxLondon well done :) I mentioned #wikiquals to you Info here

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:14

Julesat35 (Julie) @tedxlondon go grandad pete!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:10

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) @dougald speaking on #EducationRevolution at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:43:05

MikeMompi (Mike Mompi) @EmilyCummins - 24 y/o inventor - delivered a heartfelt and #inspirational talk on creativity & youth @TEDxLondon #educationrevolution #TEDx

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:57

colindotdavies (colin davies) RT @vinspired: Emily cummins created a sustainable fridge now used in Africa. She was at school & put ideas into action. #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:52

TheRedRobin (Robin Dhara) RT @tedxlondon: Great talk by Emily Cummins. She is an inspiration to young people! #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:42:50

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire)

  1. TEDxLondon Dougald Hine - reminds me of the #edchat #highered
17 Sep 2011 - 18:43:35

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @dougald Hine ~ its a DIY revolution #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:43:29

gdahlby (Gordon Dahlby) TedxLondon live stream now: #iste12

17 Sep 2011 - 18:43:24

iversity (iversity) "academia in exile" - people who would have gone into academia a generation or two ago. Great metaphor! #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:43:17

jotigiri (Joti Giri) Massaging me brain cells with a nourishing pint after #tedxlondon afternoon. Children 2day learn using experience & interactive technology

17 Sep 2011 - 18:44:13

LGSMU (Lucy Griffiths) Right now on #TEDxLondon Dougald Hine on Universities #highered #lovehe

17 Sep 2011 - 18:44:03

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) RT @tedxlondon: @dougald Hine ~ its a DIY revolution #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:43:58

Open_Education (Open Education) NOW: TEDx London - The Education Revolution, w Sir Ken Robinson and others.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:43:52

iliasbartolini (Ilias Bartolini) "We need a generation of problem finders, not only problem solvers" @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon #Education

17 Sep 2011 - 18:43:47

TheTruffleHound (Melvin DeVorchik) RT @oldavis3: "We underestimate how little people change from generation to generation" @dougald #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:44:46

BeckySocial (Rebecca Hollis) RT @iversity: "academia in exile" - people who would have gone into academia a generation or two ago. Great metaphor! #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:44:27

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) "We underestimate how little people change from generation to generation" @dougald #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:44:25

LilianMahoukou (Lilian Mahoukou) RT @TEDxLyon: The world needs a generation of problem finders. Great talk by @ewanmacintosh. #tedxlondon # educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:44:23

colindotdavies (colin davies) Ok now we have a. Anti University rant ... Again at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:45:09

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) experiments in creating new learning spaces #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:45:49

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) New Liveblog: Inspire learners, then let them act on it. Emily Cummins #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:45:42

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @rmbyrne Have you managed to catch any of @tedxlondon #educationrevolution? Live stream

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:35

3DFitLife (Richard Holmes) Loving #TedxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:33

ricmancio (Riccardo Mancinelli) RT @iliasbartolini: "We need a generation of problem finders, not only problem solvers" @ewanmcintosh #TEDxLondon #Education

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:16

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) Tell the story so people say ?I CAN do that? instead of ?I wish I could do that? @dougald #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:06

amishaghadiali (Amisha Ghadiali) Photo of you @gandy & School of Everything team on the screen at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:47:07

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) @3DFitLife same - this speaker is right on the money in my book #TedxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:47:00

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire)

  1. TEDxLondon Dougald Hine - School of Everything #edchat #highered
17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:58

creativetallis (Thomas Tallis School) "Learning is not a commodity to be exchanged" @dougald #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:56

jackieschneider (jackie schneider) "Learning is not a commodity to be exchanged" #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:54

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @dougald speaking on the power of the internet and learning #EducationRevolution at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:53

aiacae (AIA CAE) RT @SirKenRobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now. Great talks so far and more to come :

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:52

Rick_Hall (Rick_Hall) I pledge my energies to explore the link between creativity & well being & seek partners to build understanding what that means #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:46:43

tedxlondon (TEDx London) RT @Rick_Hall: I pledge my energies to explore the link between creativity & well being & seek partners to build understanding what that means #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:47:41

colindotdavies (colin davies) I think many people at #tedxlondon need to check out university education today -it has moved on since the 1930!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:47:29

jackiegerstein (JackieGerstein Ed.D.) Hearing about School of Everything - an ebay for learning #TedxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:47:27

creativetallis (Thomas Tallis School) ?@eyespeakbrasil: experiments in creating new learning spaces #tedxlondon? #popupschool

17 Sep 2011 - 18:47:18

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) @dunfordwood speaker is talking about the temporary school of everything in mayfair where you cooked that meal from the skip :-) #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:13

creativetallis (Thomas Tallis School) RT @mark_mcguire: #TEDxLondon Dougald Hine - School of Everything #edchat #highered

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:01

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) RT @tedxlondon: @dougald speaking on the power of the internet and learning at #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:47:56

TheTruffleHound (Melvin DeVorchik) RT @tedxlondon: @dougald speaking on the power of the internet and learning #EducationRevolution at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:50

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) sustainablity needs to be taken more seriously by educators if they�re to be respected #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:49

whiteafrican (Erik Hersman) Great #TEDx Talk by @Dougald happening right now at #TEDxLondon.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:48

vinspired (vinspired official) The web makes it easier to get together and make things happen in real life @dougald #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:28

katzy (katz kiely) Speaking @ Rome 30/09- abt risk taking, intuition, #bectax journey/inspiration/legacy. similar energy here #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:27

kconners09 (Kay Conners) @umphrey agree! "Education obscured by distractions are testing, policy, bargaining rights. etc." as Sir Ken Robinson said. #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:24

jennsander (jennsander) @tedxvancouver @TEDxKidsBC check out the tedxlondon chat live @tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:22

BobToms100 (BobToms) The UK School of Everything: #TEDxLondon #TEDx

17 Sep 2011 - 18:48:21

MikeMompi (Mike Mompi) RT @misskyrasays: Just ran into @MikeMompi at #TEDxLondon - happy encounters

17 Sep 2011 - 18:49:21

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @dougald ~ new sociable collaboration ---> local sustainable economy. #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:49:08

janwebb21 (Jan Webb) RT @jackieschneider: "Learning is not a commodity to be exchanged" #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:49:46

mistergough (Simon Gough) @KatePickering @stewarttownsend Have you been keeping up with #TEDxLondon today? #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:49:37

jessicazrl (Jessica Lehmann) @sanjaypoyzer I agree. good that a wider professional aud are getting involved. But the edu revolution was already here #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:50:28

jackieschneider (jackie schneider) @creativetallis - are you at #TEDxLondon or watching online?

17 Sep 2011 - 18:50:19

colindotdavies (colin davies) Funny how digital DIYers seem to think they have invented to idea - strand evangelism at #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:50:14

newmediasynergy (newmediasynergy) RT @tedxlondon: Almost 300 students at #tedxlondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:50:11

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) @dougald about alternative online collaboration instead of university education. so right! #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:51:01

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) RT @eyespeakbrasil: yes, itinerance can be a wonderful learning space #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:50:58

kimlenghills (Kim-Leng Hills) RT @vinspired: Ewan mcintosh - knows some 7 yr olds who put on their own #tedtalk. Power to the little people! #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:50:55

Feminist_Inti (feminister) "Learning is not a commodity to be exchanged, it happens over time, in relationships between people" Douglas Hine #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:50:46

allthatkatydid (Katy Robinson) Talking success of Brixton Market with @dougald #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon #lovebrixton

17 Sep 2011 - 18:50:35

bridgetmck (bridgetmck) @dougald references John Geraci, founder of on growth of open learning spaces #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:51:19

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @thenerdyteacher Have you seen any of @tedxlondon #educationrevolution? Final session happening now! Live stream

17 Sep 2011 - 18:51:17

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @TEDxKidsBC thank you so much for you support 4 #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:51:16

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @tedxpune simulcast of #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:51:09

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) what�s the twitter address for this speaker please #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:52:08

allthatkatydid (Katy Robinson) I pledged to give time to help those suffering from food poverty in Britain. #TEDxLondon #EducationRevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:51:49

fredgarnett (Fred Garnett) "@oliverquinlan: New Liveblog: Inspire learners, then let them act on it. @emilyCummins #tedxlondon"

17 Sep 2011 - 18:52:47

oliverquinlan (Oliver Quinlan) The University Project: deeply reflecting on the role of the University, and an invitation to reinvent it. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:52:44

bridgetmck (bridgetmck) .@dougald also referencing @indy_johar who I would love to meet #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:52:20

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @dougald invites @tedxlondon audience to reinvent university

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:20

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) @dougald about the new ways to cultivation of knowledge #TEDxLondon < culture reflexion

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:03

glfceo (Tatyana Kanzaveli) RT @SirKenRobinson: TEDX London, the Education Revolution streaming live now (better link):

17 Sep 2011 - 18:52:54

suebecks (Sue Beckingham) reimagining the university #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:47

creativetallis (Thomas Tallis School) RT @oliverquinlan: The University Project: deeply reflecting on the role of the University, and an invitation to reinvent it. #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:46

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @KirstenWinkler Have you managed to catch any of @tedxlondon #educationrevolution? Final session on now! Live stream

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:44

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) Visit Hub Westminster 10th-16th October for new ideas about universities :-) #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:40

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) RT @tedxlondon: @dougald invites @tedxlondon audience to reinvent university

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:31

eyespeakbrasil (Eyespeak Consultoria) refreshing #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:27

darkejon (Jon Darke ?) Great talk by @dougald about @spacemkrs who helped transform (my local) @BrixtonVillage at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:23

vinspired (vinspired official) Help shape educational space from 14 to 16 oct - hub westminster - @dougald #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:23

JobinaTwig (Jobina Twig) Spaces for the cultivation of knowledge: from Dougald Hine at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:11

engineroomapps (Engine Room Apps) RT @engineroom_lee: Bjorks new awesome iPad showcased at #tedxlondon very cool indeed

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:10

bridgetmck (bridgetmck) @eyespeakbrasil This speaker is @dougald #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:09

mark_mcguire (Mark McGuire)

  1. TEDxLondon Dougald Hine - Reinventing the University #edchat #highered
17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:59

huntgathertweet (Jenny Reina) Great to hear @dougald talking about Pick Me Up & other great projects at #TedxLondon. Good times :) Looking forward to what comes next..

17 Sep 2011 - 18:53:56

Adizah_Tejani (Adizah Tejani) RT @Ramat_T: My little sis @Adizah_Tejani just met the comms director of @tedxlondon, @TheRedRobin and is understandably very excited! :-)

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:59

westlexham (West Lexham) RT @vinspired: Help shape educational space from 14 to 16 oct - hub westminster - @dougald #EducationRevolution #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:58

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) RT @tedxlondon: @KirstenWinkler Have you managed to catch any of @tedxlondon #educationrevolution? Final session on now! Live stream

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:55

TheRedRobin (Robin Dhara) @southbankcentre Jude Kelly takes to the stage @tedxlondon #educationrevolution now!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:50

creativetallis (Thomas Tallis School) RT @JessieDriscoll: Visit Hub Westminster 10th-16th October for new ideas about universities :-) #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:54:47

ramonbez (Ramon Pedrollo Bez) RT @mark_mcguire #TEDxLondon Dougald Hine - Reinventing the University #edchat #highered

17 Sep 2011 - 18:55:30

Penders1 (Ben Pendrey ) RT @tedxlondon: @dougald hopes people to join him to re imagine and reinvent university. #TEDxLondon @roundhouseLDN

17 Sep 2011 - 18:55:29

tedxlondon (TEDx London) Thanks @dougald What an inspiration!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:55:26

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @hilland Have you managed to see any of @tedxlondon #educationrevolution? Final session happening now! Live stream

17 Sep 2011 - 18:55:15

magicalmand (Mandy) Hackspaces, makers and open learning could have a huge role in education. Perfect environments for learning #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:55:44

ssstofff (Stof dus(t)) @KirstenWinkler pleading for creativity for learner AND teachers on #EducationRevolution at #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:56:34

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @southbankcentre Jude Kelly takes to the stage #educationrevolution now!

17 Sep 2011 - 18:56:33

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @andyfield Have you managed to see any of @tedxlondon #educationrevolution? Final session happening now! Live stream

17 Sep 2011 - 18:56:19

Asimhaneef (Asim Haneef) RT @magicalmand: Hackspaces, makers and open learning could have a huge role in education. Perfect environments for learning #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:57:11

sanjaypoyzer (sanjaypoyzer) @jessicazrl When small fwd thinkers like Summerhill and big conferences like #TedxLondon work together real #educationrevolution can happen

17 Sep 2011 - 18:57:33

DrBryanMills (Bryan Mills) RT - @LGSMU: Right now on #TEDxLondon Dougald Hine on Universities #highered #lovehe

17 Sep 2011 - 18:58:14

gandy (Andy Gibson) @amishaghadiali nice to see our legend lives on courtesy of @Dougald. Give him and #tedxlondon a big hug from me.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:58:05

geoffstead (geoff stead) Inspiring talk by @ewanmcintosh encouraging a problem finding curriculum #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:57:56

EBertie (Bert) great presentation by @dougald at @tedxlondon will be checking this out later

17 Sep 2011 - 18:58:38

tedxlondon (TEDx London) RT @TeacherToolkit: @KenSpours Ken. I LOVED your presentation & words at @roundhouseLDN #tedxlondon #TEDxpledge #EducationRevolution #ukedchat

17 Sep 2011 - 18:58:33

shirleyayres (Shirley Ayres) Can we have an update on #TedxPledge stream? @tedxlondon @MeetTeamAwesome #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:58:32

SophieBosworth (Sophie Bosworth) @fredgarnett fantastic, thanks will definitely look further into that, nice to meet you here at #TEDxLondon #educationrevolution

17 Sep 2011 - 18:58:27

dfasoro (Oladipo Fasoro) RT @whiteafrican: Great #TEDx Talk by @Dougald happening right now at #TEDxLondon.

17 Sep 2011 - 18:58:26

andyjb (andyjb) RT @geoffstead: Inspiring talk by @ewanmcintosh encouraging a problem finding curriculum #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:59:14

JessieDriscoll (Jessica Driscoll) Inspirational ladies arts+cultural right are for everyone !! Agree firm believer in democratic art, culture + education for all #tedxlondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:59:52

oldavis3 (Luke Davis) "We want to put creativity into the learning experience, for ALL teachers and students" Jude Kelly #TEDxLondon

17 Sep 2011 - 18:59:50

tedxlondon (TEDx London) @smartinez Have you managed to catch any of @tedxlondon #educationrevolution? Final session happening now! Live stream

17 Sep 2011 - 18:59:46
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