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Main.StrongLibraries-TXTLAConference History

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Future home of the Strong Libraries backchannel Chat
Here is the transcript of your backchannel conversation for . This is a wiki page. As such, you can edit this page and insert text into the transcript, contining the conversation, as I have done. To edit, click the EDIT link at the top of the page. The password is ''teacher''.

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<img src='' style='float: left; width: 35px; margin-right: 10px;'>[[!/mmcghee|mmcghee (mmcghee)]]
18 Apr 2012 - 15:23:14

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>David
I am certainly looking forward to reading your conversation.
18 Apr 2012 - 10:24:42

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Sara
I am looking forward to reading your conversation
18 Apr 2012 - 10:25:36

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>Tiffany Bennett
Thank you for the new site!
18 Apr 2012 - 10:26:41

Tiffany Bennett
Love it!
18 Apr 2012 - 10:28:21

<img src='' style='float: left; width: 35px; margin-right: 10px;'>[[!/mmcghee|mmcghee (mmcghee)]]
#:colearners we are learning today in an information rich, information abundant environment
18 Apr 2012 - 15:31:28

<img src='' style='float: left; width: 35px; margin-right: 10px;'>[[!/mmcghee|mmcghee (mmcghee)]]
#:colearners we learn via collaboration!
18 Apr 2012 - 15:45:52

<img src='' style='float: left; width: 35px; margin-right: 10px;'>[[!/mmcghee|mmcghee (mmcghee)]]
#:colearners living libraries are libraries that adapt
18 Apr 2012 - 15:46:59

<img src='' height='25' style='float: left; margin-right: 10px;'>cgbuchanan
I love the idea of library being the place to celebrate good mistakes.
18 Apr 2012 - 10:49:00

<img src='' style='float: left; width: 35px; margin-right: 10px;'>[[!/mmcghee|mmcghee (mmcghee)]]
#:colearners living libraries are responsive, conversational, inspiring, celebrate good mistakes!
18 Apr 2012 - 15:49:17

<img src='' style='float: left; width: 35px; margin-right: 10px;'>[[!/darlenerankin|darlenerankin (Darlene Rankin)]]
#:TXLA12 #:colearners question: do you have student created books on your shelf for checkout? Or a digital book - check out iBook author
18 Apr 2012 - 15:56:54

<img src='' style='float: left; width: 35px; margin-right: 10px;'>[[!/darlenerankin|darlenerankin (Darlene Rankin)]]
#:TXLA12 #:colearners Living libraries - responsive, conversational, inspiring - how do we define our libraries?
18 Apr 2012 - 15:54:41

<img src='' style='float: left; width: 35px; margin-right: 10px;'>[[!/mmcghee|mmcghee (mmcghee)]]
#:colearners we are no longer preparing students for a predictable future...
18 Apr 2012 - 15:57:12
Added lines 1-5:
'''[+++Backchannel Chat - Strong Libraries+++]'''

[++Texas Library Association, 2012++]

Future home of the Strong Libraries backchannel Chat
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Page last modified on April 22, 2012, at 08:04 AM EST